C4 Picasso I. AC compressor relay

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C4 Picasso I. AC compressor relay

Unread post by Banderas97 »

I have a C4 Picasso 1.6 Hdi, my AC clutch dont work. At the clutch connector, i have a 4.0 Volt, when the "AC" button is on. Fuses, wiring all good, the system has enough pressure, no leaks.

Anybody know where is the AC compressor relay? Im not sure, but some topics sad in the BSI, other one sad in the BSM. And where is the exact location in the modul? Anybody has a wiring diagram inside of these moduls?
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Re: C4 Picasso I. AC compressor relay

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

No, sorry, internal components to the engine ECU and BSI are not specified as they are not supposed to be service items. Don't forget, the engine ECU will switch off the A/C compressor in certain conditions to avoid damage to it (like low refrigerant, engine overheating, icing up etc.)

Some compressors have repair kits for the clutches, some don't as they are clutchless.
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Re: C4 Picasso I. AC compressor relay

Unread post by Banderas97 »

I will check the temp sensor too. Thanks for quick help!