Hi. The original steering wheel in my C2 was starting to peel. Wasn't too bad at first but of course it slowly got worse and after a recent trip to Germany it was sticky and not very nice to hold. Plus I always thought it was an ugly looking wheel. With another trip to Germany in it again in September I decided to change it for a nicer looking one from a 2nd gen C3. They are a straight swop. The chrome trim means it was from an exclusive i believe. It's in very nice condition. I could have saved a few pounds and opted for a DS3 wheel but wanted a citroen badge. I didn't actually change it over myself as my mechanic said he'd do it when it was in for a clutch and some other jobs recently. He said it would be better he did it because of the airbag so I let him get on with it lol. Looks great imo and feels much nicer in the hand.