2007 Citroen 1.6HDi C5 Suspension height constantly going up and down.

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2007 Citroen 1.6HDi C5 Suspension height constantly going up and down.

Unread post by numanoo »


My 2007 Citroen 1.6HDi C5 estate. Suspension continues to go up and down even when engine off and key removed. I t will sit and do this for approx 3-4 minutes after switching off and removing key??
I can hear it doing this for a similar amount of time when driving too.
Petrol stations a bit of a carry on as its going up and down as Im trying to refill....

I dont have any warning lights on dash board or error messages on screen.

The other strange thing is after three or four minutes when it stops , If I open any door it starts doing it again, with out key/ignition.

I've got it on blocks ay the moment having a look at rear height sensor as a starting point.
I dont have any diagnostic electronics available to me, is there anything I can do to diagnose further before seeking help?

Any help much appreciated.

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Re: 2007 Citroen 1.6HDi C5 Suspension height constantly going up and down.

Unread post by Kees »

I think, the best way is to put the car in the low position, then check, the LDS level. You should see the fluid just at the bottom.
If this is oke, start the car and put it in the highest position, and wait until the motor stops.
Then go back to the normal position and see if it's solved

It's normal, that the car try to adjust the height, even if you switch off the engine.
And also when you open the door.
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Re: 2007 Citroen 1.6HDi C5 Suspension height constantly going up and down.

Unread post by numanoo »

Hi Kees, Thanks for your reply. I did try this a few days ago. I also topped up the LDS fluid. But problem remains.
I will give it another try and see what happens. It never used to go up and down constantly, and never when filling with fuel.
Thanks again for your help
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Re: 2007 Citroen 1.6HDi C5 Suspension height constantly going up and down.

Unread post by Kees »

Then the best way, is to diagnose with the diagbox, then you can see is there's a problem with the height sensors.
Otherwise you keep guessing.
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Re: 2007 Citroen 1.6HDi C5 Suspension height constantly going up and down.

Unread post by dulenator »

Maybe you have a small leak somewhere. I had a leaky front shock, and the front would go up and down non-stop, when running and for a few minutes after the key was out.
Is it only the front or the rear going down or the whole car?
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Re: 2007 Citroen 1.6HDi C5 Suspension height constantly going up and down.

Unread post by numanoo »

Hi, I retried the fluid level check and went through the level procedure. I did notice two things...don't know if significant. First was when the car set to max height position the rear did not appear to be raised as high as the front? Second was that the height position indicator showed to be at the top position, but it was a red colour on the indicator? The pump motor had stopped. When I lowered to its normal position it resumed the continious up/down cycle? It is the rear that is going up/down.
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Re: 2007 Citroen 1.6HDi C5 Suspension height constantly going up and down.

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

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