Citroen C4 Picasso e-HDI Electro Valves location

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Citroen C4 Picasso e-HDI Electro Valves location

Unread post by contisg »

Hi. New member here.

I am currently driving a C4 Picasso MK2 e-hdi and have recently been experience higher then normal fuel consumption and also poor performance. The throttle sometime may pause as if it's shifting gear while it's not and felt as if I am towing a truck, and there are no warning light, and I have experience similar symptom with a C4P MK1, and VW Touran TDI and their issues is because of a failing N75 valve (VW).. and Citroen described these valves as electro valve, and turbo pressure converter, and I have look up the parts and found a diagram and have bought the 2 different valves 1618KG (2) and 1618PE (1).. I have replaced the 1618PE which is the wastegate side, and the car has now regain power, but I cannot find the exhaust side 1618KG (2).. So hoping someone here might know where is it tucked?
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