C3 locking...again...

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C3 locking...again...

Unread post by alex666_slo »

Hello guys,

I found a lot written about C3 locking problems and mine 2006 also have issues with key fob.. With key it works like a charm. Not to lose to much time I just bought aftermarket remote loking system that shoud do the work by connecting it to pins 13 and 15 on PH2 connector.. but as locking/unlocking with key works I thought I would connect that same way as door key command is..

but... there is always a but... When I checked the wiring I noticed that there is only one pole swich for locking/unlocking and that makes me thinking.. how does it know wheater it needs to lock or unlock when signal is always pulled to GND?

I will do some measurmenst in upcoming days but if anybody worked with that I am open for suggestions.

As alternative I could just buy new keyfobs but I lost security card and If my info is right, I can't add them without it ass original also have immobilizer on PCB ... Correct?

thanks in advance Alex
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Re: C3 locking...again...

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Your dealer can provide the codes for a nominal charge, with proof of ownership / ID / Address etc.
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Re: C3 locking...again...

Unread post by ozvtr »

alex666_slo wrote: 22 Jun 2024, 12:16 but... there is always a but... When I checked the wiring I noticed that there is only one pole swich for locking/unlocking and that makes me thinking.. how does it know wheater it needs to lock or unlock when signal is always pulled to GND?
They are solenoids and the polarity is reversed from locked to unlocked. The power and ground ends are swapped from mode to mode.