1972 Citroen H Y Van Carburettor

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1972 Citroen H Y Van Carburettor

Unread post by AceGoat »


I recently bought a 1972 Citroen H Y Van and I’m wanting to give the carb a service. However, I’m really struggling to find a service kit for the carb or even a reconditioned one. The carb has “Zenith Stromberg 28 INL” written on it. I see a lot of H Y Vans have Solex Carbs on it so I’m confused on why mine has a Zenith one.

Where can I get a service kit for one or a reconditioned one? Or could I even stick a solex one on it and if so which one would fit it?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: 1972 Citroen H Y Van Carburettor

Unread post by xantia_v6 »

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Re: 1972 Citroen H Y Van Carburettor

Unread post by moizeau »

From experience rebuilding classic bike carbs only use OEM or proven parts. The metal parts rarely need replacing unless they have been mullered. Only gaskets and O rings need replacing. Using poor quality jets etc. can lead you down a rabbit hole. An ultrasonic bath is your best friend.
Notice the BX is still top the list but sadly gone
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Re: 1972 Citroen H Y Van Carburettor

Unread post by AceGoat »

xantia_v6 wrote: 02 Jun 2024, 08:15 This could be your lucky day... https://www.ebay.fr/itm/314515171976?sh ... GTR=1#shId
Well that looks like to be the one. I searched for a good 3 hours yesterday and couldn’t find anything. You may of saved the day, thank you.
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Re: 1972 Citroen H Y Van Carburettor

Unread post by LHMfanatic »

Zenith make Traction carbs, as well- my 1953 Traction has an OE Zenith. It's quite rare, but not impossible to find, and the TOC spares dept. do a sort of rebuild kit for one.

It's easier to find a Solex, but make sure that it's a genuine one- I've a lot of fakes (30 years of Tractioning) and they are all rubbish.