Problème diagnostic affichages alertes en série

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Problème diagnostic affichages alertes en série

Unread post by gabriel35131 »



J'ai un problème avec ma DS3 crossback (opéra de 2019 en diesel 130ch)
En roulant, toutes alertes possibles apparaissent en cascade sur l'écran d'alerte comme sur la vidéo ci-dessous, la voiture se verrouille dès le premier arrêt et il est impossible de la redémarrer... Même le levier de vitesse ne répond plus (plus de voyant lumineux).
A chaque fois le même scénario :
1/Dépannage vers le garage DS Citroën (que je ne citerai pas)
2/Le garage laisse la voiture sur le parking 3 semaines car surbooké .
3/Au bout de ce laps de temps lorsqu'il démarrent la voiture, comme par magie, elle fonctionne parfaitement !
4/ils refusent donc de la passer en atelier, ne constatant pas de pannes.
5/ en insistant, ils passent la valise qui affiche un historique de 50 pages d'erreurs!!
6/Refus du garage d'aller plus loin pour un véhicule qui fonctionne car 50 pages d'erreurs, c'est trop de boulot.
La seule hypothèse qu'ils émettent est la fonction start and stop que nous avons désactivé sur leur conseil.
Voilà on en est au 3ieme renouvellement du scénario décrit plus haut étant actuellement à l'étape 2..
Véhicule dont la garantie expire dans 1 mois et dans véhicule de remplacement car pour cela il faut qu'elle passe en atelier.
Avez vous une idée de piste de recherche que l'on pourrait soumettre au garagiste ?
Merci d'avance pour votre aide🙂

Translated text (DeepL)

I'm having a problem with my DS3 crossback (2019 Opera with 130 bhp diesel).
When driving, all possible alerts appear in cascade on the alert screen as in the video below, the car locks as soon as it comes to a stop and it is impossible to restart it... Even the gear lever no longer responds (no warning light).
It's the same scenario every time:
1/Repair to the DS Citroën garage (which I won't name)
2/The garage leaves the car in the car park for 3 weeks because it's overbooked.
3/At the end of this time when they start the car, as if by magic, it works perfectly!
4/The garage refused to take the car to the workshop, as it had not broken down.
5/ When they insisted, they handed over the case, which showed a history of 50 pages of errors!
6/ The garage refuses to go any further with a vehicle that works, because 50 pages of errors is too much work.
The only hypothesis they put forward was the start and stop function, which we deactivated on their advice.
Here we are at the 3rd renewal of the scenario described above, currently at stage 2.
Vehicle whose warranty expires in 1 month and in a replacement vehicle because for that it has to go through a workshop.
Do you have any ideas for research that we could submit to the garage owner?
Thank you in advance for your help

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Last edited by myglaren on 16 May 2024, 07:58, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Original text translated with DeepL
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Re: Problème diagnostic affichages alertes en série

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

We really can't help without the fault codes, and the video you mentioned is not linked (you can link to a YouTube video just by pasting the link).

I don't think there's much we can do on a Forum, but I would make sure you have it recorded and evidenced that you have made them aware of the complaint and that it is not resolved, so any issues after the warranty has expired cannot be declined. I would also contact DS Head Office and make sure that they are aware and get a reference for your call, as it's not your fault they are busy with work and cannot deal with the intermittent issues with the vehicle. Also make sure you keep the video (preferable with the date and time stamp enabled) for records and make another one when it happens again to show them.
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