No cabin fans

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No cabin fans

Unread post by Noblepicasso »

Hello everyone,

I'm hoping someone on here can help, the other week the plug connecting to my electric pre heater core melted. I sourced replacement parts and also replaced the matrix as I only had hot air from the passenger side. I've started the car to test it but now the fans aren't blowing at all, they were blowing before I repaired it, even with the melted plug.
Any ideas what I could have done to cause this?

Any help would be massively appreciated, I was looking forward to having my car back after weeks without it.

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Re: No cabin fans

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Maybe the Heater Motor Control Module has failed. The motor can seize up in colder weather as they are designed to spin up slowly from zero. If moisture gets in it can seize the bearings as there is insufficient current to get it going. It often rights itself when the temperature is warmer without intervention, but another reason to ensure the climate control is set to AUTO so that the A/C is on to remove moisture.
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Re: No cabin fans

Unread post by Noblepicasso »

Is that in the drivers side footwell? Just strange that it was working before I started messing around. And thanks for your reply