Ds3 65, spluttering/missing at 2.5k

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Ds3 65, spluttering/missing at 2.5k

Unread post by philc72 »

Hi everyone, I am new to the forum, so I am hoping someone can help or advise.
I will provide as much info as I can, so please bare with me.

I have a Ds3 1.6 hdi adblue now with 114 on the clock, in 2023 I had the pat fluid tank replaced, prior to this no issues at all and at 107 iI had the cam belt changed. I have the oil and filters changed regularly and the car is used more for up and down the motorway.
Passed MOT, emissions were a little high, but came down after emission's fluid added Jan 2024.

Last year it started spluttering/missing at 2.5k, with no management light on, thus making it difficult to identify the issue, when it eventually came on, the diagnostics suggested a failure with the PAT fluid tank and it was suggested I have the injectors checked, however the software was not from Citroen, so I went to someone with Citroen software, this also suggest the DPF needed cleaning, Adblue and PAT fluid Tank was failing.

Injectors have been cleaned, checked and re calibrated, no faults found.
Timing was checked with no issues.
compression on cylinder 4 is 15% lower than the others.
No oil in the water and not smoking at the back and using more oil.
I have been told there are no issues with the fuel pressure.
When cold It will rev and run without issue, when warm the problem starts.

I was given a choice of replacing all the above at high cost or removing the DPF and removing Adblue and Pat Tank from the ECU which I opted for as much cheaper.

With all of this work, the engine still misses at 2.5. It cruises well at 80pm with no issues.

I am now at the point of either spending more with no guarantee the problem with be found or drive it as it is, ideally I would like to identify the issue, but this is proving difficult hence reaching out on this forum.

Much appreciated

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Re: Ds3 65, spluttering/missing at 2.5k

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Very sorry, but we don't condone and cannot offer any support on this Forum if you have had the DPF, and Emissions systems removed. This is illegal to do for public road-using vehicles. You were ill-informed by the garage if they did not tell you of this, as they have basically left you with a lemon. These people are the scourge of the earth.

You will therefore have to expect more problems with the system now having done this, as well as possible future MOT failures.
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