Windscreen wipers

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Windscreen wipers

Unread post by Benita »

Hi all & a Happy New Year

Well it was for me until this morning.
Parked the van yesterday and the wipers were working fine.
Switched them on this morning, nothing.
Checked the fuse, F43, it is OK, so I presume it is the motor.
I know where it is but it is beyond my capabilities to remove it to check.
Is the anything else I can do or check?
Thanks in anticipation.

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Re: Windscreen wipers

Unread post by mickthemaverick »

I know this sounds daft, but with the overnight drop in temperature down here in Herts there was some ice about this morning. Just check that your wipers aren't frozen to the screen!! :-D
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure!
I used to ride on two wheels, but now I need all four!
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Re: Windscreen wipers

Unread post by Benita »

Thanks Mick
We have not had any frost recently and I did lift the wipers off the screen to reduce any drag but still no action.
So it looks like my friendly mechanic is needed.
Thank you for your reply.
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Re: Windscreen wipers

Unread post by Benita »

Just to advise, the problem is solved.
The motor was US.
My friendly mechanic fitted a new motor and rack.
All is now OK