Megane MK1 Coupe UCH Fault

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Megane MK1 Coupe UCH Fault

Unread post by berkayyy »

Hello everyone,

My car is a 2001 Megane Mk1 Coupe. Lately, I've been experiencing issues with the UCH unit.

- The rear window defrost is not working.
- The driver's side window is not functioning.
- When the rear wiper is on, it continues to run for a while even if I turn it off. It doesn't stop where it should.
- The front wipers behave similarly. They run at the same speed on the first and second settings. Even when turned off, they continue running. They don't stop where they should. (When it got stuck, I tried tapping the relay in the UCH with a screwdriver, but it didn't fix it.)
- The turn signals (right and left) are not working. Strangely, when I press the hazard button, the hazard lights work.

When I removed the UCH unit, I noticed it had water ingress. Initially, I cleaned the oxides and fixed any cold solder joints I observed. As a result, the driver's side window button, which wasn't working before, started working. However, the window doesn't go down.

When I measured with my tools, there is no power to the coil of the relays responsible for the non-functioning functions. The ohm values of the coils are correct, and there are no strange values.

I'm getting frustrated with my car. It's only been two months since I bought it :( I'm a computer engineer, and I'm interested in electronics as a hobby. I believe, with your support, I can fix it myself.

UCH unit code: 8200029342b
