C4 Picasso - heat only on one side

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C4 Picasso - heat only on one side

Unread post by PC2CV »

My aunts 2016 C4 Picasso has dual zone climate control. However it only heats up on the passenger side.

I have removed dash panels and looked at the flaps, they seem to be moving smoothly and reacting to the controls on the screen. But no heat comes from any vents on the drivers side. It isn't even slightly warm on the drivers side its very cold.

I have pointed a thermal camera at the matrix on the passenger side it is sitting at 60° on the passenger side albeit through the plastic of the heater box it is sitting at 22°

Has anyone had issues with the matrix clogging up to the point where one side is completely cold? I suspect i need a new matrix but trying to think if anything else could be the problem.
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Re: C4 Picasso - heat only on one side

Unread post by auldreekie1 »

I am interested in any results you get as i have exactly the same problem ,the passenger side is blowing hot but drivers side blows cold ,have tried changing the actuators but with no efect.
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Re: C4 Picasso - heat only on one side

Unread post by RichardW »

Very common problem, needs a new matrix. Fortunately easy to do as it's accessible from the passenger foot well.
Richard W