2008 C4 Picasso heater motor

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2008 C4 Picasso heater motor

Unread post by wandro »

2008 C4 Picasso heater motor replacement my question is I have a new heater motor for my C4 but it has a different resistor block I have wired it up but nothing works have checked power and ground both good and if I wire the motor direct to the input wires the fan works my question is is this resistor block not compatible with my car? Its just strange as the plugs are the same power in the small 2 pin control and motor out and I made up the power out to motor with a repair kit (correct plugs and two wires) or is there a problem with the resistor block supplied with the new motor.
I bought this motor as it is for the 2008 C4 but it is not identical to the old one.
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Re: 2008 C4 Picasso heater motor

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Not the same part as a completely different vehicle, so expect issues. Not sure what else I can add, but it's not the correct part.
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