GiveMeABreak wrote: 11 Dec 2023, 15:28
Why do you want to take the capacitor off anyway? May as well leave it there in place unless you are replacing it.
Wanted to check connections. Did it earlier & found all were grotty. Cleaned everything and reassembled.
Currently interrogating system & found an interesting nugget. Showing Intake Air Temp (maf by any other word, though its called IAT on here) showing -40°C despite engine off and ambient 6°C according to the dash.
Now I imagine that, & the engine speed showing as "excessive" would, in my humble, have a detrimental effect on the stop/start status. Wouldn't it want to keep the engine running at certain cold temperatures? I suspect this is the cause of the other flagged issue with the DPF as I already cleaned it around a thousand miles ago. It wasn't blocked, but there was a good deposit of ash,which I cleaned using brick acid & water from the (cold) pressure washer set to low.
The Power Accumulator Reference value is showing 1.9v (engine off so....)
PA Recharging Current Reference Level showing zero, because engine is off.
Voltage Stabilizer Status showing Figure Incorrect. Again I hope its due to engine off & ECU will have stopped function due to perceived-40°C
PA State of Health 0%
I will check again with engine running, but I suspect I'll need a MAF before I go further.
Incidentally, I did run the engine for a few minutes before starting the interrogation just to make sure there was a charge in the battery. So coolant temp showing 25°C which means that sensor, at least, is operating within parameters.
What does your wealth of knowledge suggest regarding the PA system and the dodgy MAF sir? It feels like negative forty, but it's not frosty so that's a bonus.