reset Ciroen Ds3 - BSI (Body System Interface)

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reset Ciroen Ds3 - BSI (Body System Interface)

Unread post by ramirovicente »

Hello, any one know how can I reset Ciroen Ds3 - BSI (Body System Interface)

I tried this but nothing happened:

1- Start the car.

2-Lower the driver's window.

3-Let it run for 3 minutes and turn it off outside the car.

4-Open the hood and disconnect the NEGATIVE pole from the battery.

-Leave disconnected for 15 seconds and reconnect, wait another 10 seconds. 6-Turn on the headlights outside the car.

7-Turn the ignition until SECOND contact, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO START THE CAR, and hold the door closing button on the remote control for 10 seconds.

8- Remove the key, open and close the driver's door.

9-Lock and unlock the door using the key.

10 Start the car

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Re: reset Ciroen Ds3 - BSI (Body System Interface)

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

That's not correct.

Use this guide:

BSI Reset / Battery Disconnect / Reconnect Procedure
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Re: reset Ciroen Ds3 - BSI (Body System Interface)

Unread post by PaulC5 »

I have seen this topic on another forum and the reason for trying a BSI reset was the parking sensors and air con are not working.
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Re: reset Ciroen Ds3 - BSI (Body System Interface)

Unread post by RichardW »

Whilst much is made of the procedure, it's just a computer and if you power cycle it, it will reboot. Important thing is to give it enough time to go to sleep before power off, and then allow it to reboot gently before making the voltage jump about cranking it.

If there are things not working, then it needs a scan...
Richard W