DS 5 Blower Resistor Cost

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DS 5 Blower Resistor Cost

Unread post by DarrenSA »

Hey Guys need some help here I'm based in SA and needing the interior blower resistor and the connector, as the live and earth wires burnt out and fried the resistor. Citroen SA is making me wait 4 months to order. Anyone in the UK can helpout as my friend is in London now and can purchase the part for me, but the dealers have quoted 205 pounds which is double Citroen SA's cost.
part number is 6441CQ
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Re: DS 5 Blower Resistor Cost

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

That is the correct Dealer price for the UK.

Why don't you just 'Google' the part and buy it elsewhere? But beware getting too cheap a brand as it likely won't last as long or may even be dead on arrival.

Also be aware that some ebay sellers are selling the genuine part at more than the dealer price....
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Re: DS 5 Blower Resistor Cost

Unread post by DarrenSA »

thanks, saw the cheaper options for about 30 pounds but obviously don't want to use non original electrical parts
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Re: DS 5 Blower Resistor Cost

Unread post by Paul-R »

There're these second hand genuine ones

from Lithuania.
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/186089732274 ... R97u6eX3Yg

from the Netherlands
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/185990082730 ... R_D7leb3Yg

from Germany
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/134293270923 ... R-7qteb3Yg

There's also this kit to repair the plug and a bit of the loom.

https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/225705035028 ... R97u6eX3Yg
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