Bought ds5 hybrid a few weeks ago.
Several faults have occured and being fixed but one has me stumped.
B1606 battery charge status unit congig fault. I have changed unit mechanic read and says it is being read by car and he thinks ut is a wiring issue behind it. Does anybody have wiring diagram or has had dimilar fault and point me in the right direction. Tried bsi reset still the same.
Any help wouldbe appeciated
It could be one of several codes - you're missing the last few digits:
B1606 81 Battery charge status unit configuration fault: Not characterised
B1607 44 Fault in the memory of the battery charge status unit: Not characterised
B1607 45 Fault in the memory of the battery charge status unit: Not characterised
But in either case, there is no further info because the unit is faulty and not communicating with the BSI, hence uncharacterised fault.
Code was b1606 81.
2011 hybrid diesel. Cars runs fine but has service light on and citroen said battery control unit needs replacing. Replaced with used one with same numbers but dont know if it needs programming or plug and play or used one has same fault and i need a new one. Any advice would be appreciated.
Ok, so yes it will need programming, as the unit needs to know the battery type and level. This should be set according to the correct type and battery for the vehicle. You'll need Diagbox to do this, run a global diagnostic and then look for the battery charge status unit on the list or the battery itself.
As we know this is a configuration fault, it hopefully may be the fact that it has not been configured and hence the message.
If you want to know the correct battery type you should have, you'll need to provide your VIN. Please post your VIN in full without spaces - it will be automatically masked from public view after submitting your post & will only be visible to staff.
You didn't mention if the replacement unit was brand new or second hand. So if new and the correct part number, then it must be configured or you will get a configuration error and it won't know the type of battery you have for charging, nor provide the BSI with the data needed for fine tuning the energy management for the vehicle.
If a second hand unit was fitted, it will likely be configured for the previous vehicle....
So configuration should be checked and set correctly using Diagbox.
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