Can I repair the aux socket in my Citroen C1 2018?

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Can I repair the aux socket in my Citroen C1 2018?

Unread post by Lecit »


A few years ago I had an aux cable always plugged into the socket and one day someone applied too much force on the connector, breaking it, and also damaging the socket, because from that day the socket stopped working (tested with a few working cables).

This is the socket I'm talking about (It's not my photo but I'm not near my car now and I just found the same one in Google):

I wonder if that's something I can repair myself or I'll take it to a (very expensive) service center, or just get one of those AM/FM to Aux transmitters instead.
*The 12V and the USB sockets still work

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Re: Can I repair the aux socket in my Citroen C1 2018?

Unread post by moizeau »

That looks like a standard 3.5mm female stereo jack. If you can get to the wires by presumably unclipping the fascia, they can be bought (without wires) and just solder it up. Alternatively find a 2nd hand complete part.
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Re: Can I repair the aux socket in my Citroen C1 2018?

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

As you can see the plastic trim is just for holding the USB and AUX cables in place along with the connector for the 12v accessories socket. If the actual USB or AUX connector at the cable end behind the trim is damaged, you'll need a new connector harness.

These are the images from a later C1:
C1 AUx a.PNG
C1 AUx b.PNG
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Re: Can I repair the aux socket in my Citroen C1 2018?

Unread post by Lecit »

thanks, it looks exactly like what I need, though recently didn't have enough time to take care of it, but I'm keeping this