Hard wired dash cam

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Hard wired dash cam

Unread post by Coquicide »

Thinking ahead as I haven't got my 2008 yet. Has anyone hard wired a dash cam, directly to the fuse box. I have always hard wired as it is more convenient than having wires pushed in a loop round the centre console. Is it an easy operation? I know the fuse box is on the left but don't know if it is accessible from the cabin or the bonnet.
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Re: Hard wired dash cam

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

The cabin fusebox is where the BSI is, in the passenger compartment glovebox area. Use a piggy back fuse connector - remove a suitable fuse (permanent or ignition switched live), place that in the piggy back holder along with the original fuse for seamless operation.

Make sure you disconnect the battery first following the BSI Reset / Battery Disconnect / Reconnect Procedure after identifying the correct fuse to use. This will prevent potential damage while wiring it in.

You should be able to route the wire to the dash cam behind the A pillar trim and along the top of the ceiling trim to the camera.

Just make sure that if you do this, it is imperative that you secure the wiring BEHIND the airbag module and wiring so it does not interfere with operation in an emergency and act like cheesewire....

I did a guide for my C3 Aircross - which will be similar:

See my illustrated post here:

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Re: Hard wired dash cam

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

I was looking a wiring a dash cam into the Zoe, this video came up.
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