Hello everyone, my name is Chris and I am a new Citroen C5 owner. But I am also a car addict... and my intention is to post all my car goings on in this thread, just like I do on a couple of other forums.
I am relatively new to Citroen, having bought a Citroen C3 as a cheap runaround a year ago... and loved it. This led me to the C5, which will soon by my new daily driver.
But I'll get to that in a bit, first I will post a bit here to explain my background, car history, and how I ended up with the C5 today. I understand many of you will not want to see this part, and for those I hope my future posts about the C5 as a "project" (yes I have lots planned for it) will be of more interest.
So I was born in 1981, back when everyday people did not drive Audi's and BMW's (how times have changed) and when London and the surrounding areas were full of majestic Bentleys and Jaguars. My father drove a Fiat 126 through most of my young childhood, and the young Chris hankered after owning a Jaguar one day.
My first car ended up being a Peugeot 405 1.9GR (this is not the one, as we have no photos). A big car for a young lad, and of course I went off the road one day and it ended up on it's roof... to be young and stupid again....

I then worked my way through BMW 5 series ownership aged 19... (and this is my only photo of the actual car)

...to my first Jaguar, a 1992 4.0 litre Sovereign no less! (and that's 21 year old me me proudly grinning like a prat next to it)

I then proceeded to own four more Jags, because I loved the comfort, style, and luxury. Here are a couple of them (and the Jag fans among you may notice the 2nd one is actually a "Daimler", and the 3rd is a Super charged "Super V8"... they were very nice cars).

Then in my late 20's I met my wife, we decided to save for a house, and the Jag was sold to help fund the deposit. I ended up with this Renault, which I hated.

Granted that car cost £250 and was in rather tatty condition, so I was in no position to trash it too much. But it shocked me with cold drips from the sunroof when it rained, and drank like an alcoholic. I did not enjoy Renault ownership...
It did let us buy our first house though, which is an old cottage that needed completely renovating...

So when we had our house, we bought his and hers Mercedes S classes with LPG conversions...

We had this briefly and I regret selling it every time I see a picture of it...

We went on to another set of his and hers Mercedes S classes, this time Diesel.

Then back to Jags, his and hers again...

Then in summer 2018 we had our first son, Aston, and life started to change...

Lindsey wanted something bigger for all the baby stuff she had to cart around, so we bought this wagon for her...

Nearing my mid-life crisis I bought this rusty heap... and boy was it a heap!

We got it into pretty good shape within a few months, and we enjoyed some trip in it, as well as taking it to a car show where, to my surprise, it got lots of attention.

Then one morning all the traffic came to a grinding halt in front of my on my way to work - I was daydreaming and didn't react fast enough, I steered onto the verge to avoid the car in front and ended up kissing this poor tree (yes that's me standing like an idiot staring at my poor car).

I then went into full idiot mode... and ended up with two more cars, this Mercedes CL as a daily driver, and this BMW 7 series which I bought to use then never did.

Anyone who has read this far, is starting to appreciate what a problem I have when it comes to cars... yes I am an idiot of the largest magnitude...

So at that point we had four cars on the drive, and back then that seemed odd, but it has slowly become the norm in our household.
To be continued....