After the 70 year old bloke made some excuse as to why it was easier to meet me at the train station (conveniently so i didnt get his address) and then do a runner before I could test drive it due to some story about his wife taking bad and having had a triple heart bypass I nursed it home and proceeded to work my way through the niggles whilst between questioning my existance and fighting the urge to cry. Thatll teach me to respect and trust old people.
one alternator, steering pump (complete arse to fit), aux belt and very annoyed partner later i managed to cure the warning lights only to be met with a constant boot lid open message. Being a sparky of some degree i traced the wires and found only two leading to a plunger type solenoid on ther boot mech which seemed to have a resistance accross them so I assume the connection back to the BCU is good and I am not dealing with a broken wire. followed the wires through into the roof lining to confirm they hadnt chafed at the rubber grommet.
I have tried another locking module which gives me the same error (with the boot definately shut) and a persistant beeping sound. Now whuilst it has crossed my mind to drill the beeper out or just ram a screwdriver through it id like to do it properly and wondered if there was something im missing as sadly i got rid of my diagbox / lexia tool and i cant see what the cause is.
had another hour playing about today and on opening the boot the tailgate door card dropped on my head then then handle on the drivers rear sliding door has lost its bar and wont open from the outside so thats next weekends jobs sorted in case i was thing i was going to actualy have a day off.
on the plus side i cured the handbrake / stop warning message by unplugging the brake reservoir sensor so today hasnrt been a complete write off