Official RT6 Firmware Upgrade Instructions

This unit is the eMyWay system, also referred to as RT6, RNEG2, or WIPNAV+ for the Peugeot platform and made by Magneti Marelli.
Main Features: The eMyWay colour satellite navigation has high resolution mapping, Bluetooth Telephone & Audio Streaming supported profiles, USB support for Media files & CD
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Official RT6 Firmware Upgrade Instructions

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

The following are the official instructions for updating RT6 2.86B firmware. Methods shown are for USB Stick and also the procedure for installation using the official Firmware CD.

Please read through to the end as there is information here that you will need to be aware of before starting the procedure.

I recommend that before any update to V2.86b, that you follow the 'Mirascripts Part A' from the MicroSD Card Upgrade Guide in order to save your user and vehicle configuration data first: (How to Replace the Internal MicroSD Card - RT6).

  • Do not operate the RT6 audio-navigation system either before or during the update, start the procedure immediately after the start-up of the product.
  • Update the software with the engine running.
  • Do not switch off the engine during the update.
  • Do not start the engine during the update.
  • Do not disconnect the battery during the update.
  • The vehicle network (communication + supply) must be present during the update.
  • Do not start any navigation route calculations prior to the update.
  • All updates must be followed by a save and complete dormancy of the audio-navigation system by switching off the ignition for 3 minutes.
  • No other media must be connected to the USB port or be present in the CD player (according to equipment).
  • If updating by USB stick: Do not disconnect the software update USB stick during the update.
  • If updating by CD ROM: Check the condition of the CD-ROM (no scratches, no dust, no fingermarks). Clean the CD ROM if it is dirty.
USB Method

Install the RT6 2.86B software on a USB stick observing the following procedure:
  • Format a USB 2.0 Flash USB stick with a capacity of between 2 GB and 8 GB to FAT 32
  • Decompress the file Firmware file and copy these files and folders onto the formatted USB stick as per the illustration below:
    RT6 file list.PNG
  • Disconnect the formatted USB stick from your computer.
  • Insert the formatted USB stick into your computer again.
  • Check that only the files and folders illustrated above are present at the root of the formatted USB stick.
Recommendations to avoid the risk of faults (Update by USB stick or by CD ROM)

CAUTION: Leave the engine running throughout the procedure to avoid going into economy mode. A switch to economy mode during the procedure would render the RT6 audio-navigation system permanently unusable

USB Installation Procedure
  • Start the engine and Wait for 1 minute.
  • Connect the formatted USB stick containing the firmware files to one of the USB ports.
  • When a window appears with a message to start the update, click on "Yes". When the symptom of "black screen and no sound permanently and cyclic noise from the CD player and no communication with the diagnostic tool" occurs, no window is displayed and the update starts automatically.
  • Get out of the vehicle during the update
  • The update will then start for a duration of up to 20 minutes with a succession of RT6 audio/navigation system internal modules update messages and black screens.
  • At the end of the update, the RT6 audio/navigation system restarts with the current application and the same update request message will then appear continuously.
  • Click on "NO".
  • Remove the formatted USB stick.
  • Wait for 1 minute.
To identify the audio-navigation system software version of the RT6 observe the following procedure:
  • Press and hold the "SETUP" button.
  • Select: Audio/telephone diagnostics ; Confirm.
  • Select: Description of the installation ; Confirm.
  • View the software version displayed.
  • If the software version is 2.86 B: The update has proceeded correctly.
  • If the software version is lower than 2.86 B : Start the procedure again.
  • Switch off the RT6 audio-navigation system observing the following procedure , Switch off the ignition, make sure that all the doors are closed and wait 3 minutes during which no opening of doors must be done on the vehicle.
Checks if updating problems are encountered on the vehicle (Update by USB stick only)
  • Check that the size of the 2.86b compressed firmware file is 56.1 MB.
  • Check that the size of the software, once decompressed and saved on the formatted USB stick is 77.5 MB.
  • Check that the formatted USB stick was only inserted after the engine had been running for one minute.
  • Check that the USB stick is formatted to FAT 32.
  • Check that only the files and folders illustrated above are present on the formatted USB stick.
  • If no anomaly is detected during the checks try with another model of USB stick.
RT6 audio-navigation system software update procedure (Update by CD ROM only)
  • Start the engine and Wait for 1 minute.
  • Insert the software CD ROM in the RT6 audio/navigation system.
  • When a window appears with a message to start the update, click on "Yes". When the symptom of "black screen and no sound permanently and cyclic noise from the CD player and no communication with the diagnostic tool" occurs, no window is displayed and the update starts automatically.
  • Get out of the vehicle during the update.
  • The update will then start for a duration of up to 45 minutes with a succession of RT6 audio/navigation system internal modules update messages and black screens.
  • At the end of the update, the RT6 audio/navigation system restarts with the current application and the same update request message will then appear continuously.
  • Click on "NO".
  • Eject the software CD ROM.
  • Wait for 1 minute.
Identify the audio-navigation system software version RT6 observing the following procedure
  • Press and hold the "SETUP" button
  • Select: Audio/telephone diagnostics ; Confirm.
  • Select: Description of the installation ; Confirm.
  • View the software version displayed:
  • If the software version is 2.86 B: The update has proceeded correctly.
  • If the software version is lower than 2.86 B: Start the procedure again.
  • Switch off the RT6 audio-navigation system observing the following procedure, Switch off the ignition, make sure that all the doors are closed and wait 3 minutes during which no opening of doors must be done on the vehicle.
If the incorrect update CD is used the message "Update support damaged or incomplete" will be displayed or the CD will be ejected automatically.

Post Update:

An update of the RT6 audio-navigation system calibration is needed in the case of the software version being lower than 2.70 before a software update. If the RT6 audio-navigation system calibration update is not carried out, the audio quality of telephone communications will be seriously affected. This will often need to be completed by the dealership.

To check if an update of the audio-navigation system calibration is needed, carry out the following procedure.
Using Diagbox:
  • Select the "repair" menu
  • Select the RNEG2010 ECU. Confirm
  • Select the menu « IDENTIFICATION »
Look at the parameter value "Number of downloads"
If the "Number of downloads" parameter is different to FE: No calibration update is needed.
If the "Number of downloads" parameter is equal to FE: Update the RT6 audio-navigation system calibration using the following procedure: Using the diagnostic tool connected to the Internet. (Note: this will require either the dealer to do this or that you have a PSA account and purchase diagnostic tokens in order to do this).

In the diagnostic tool:
Select the "repair" menu
Select the RNEG2010 ECU. Confirm
Select the "Download" menu then "Download a new calibration version"
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