Citroen c4 picasson 2014

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Citroen c4 picasson 2014

Unread post by MiniMeMicks »

Hi, wondering if you could help me,

Im thinking about buying a citroen c4 picasso 2014. The man was very upfront in that it has a problem with the clutch. He said the car doesnt recognise that he pressed down on it when he starts the car, but hes been driving it to and from work eveyday (41 miles) and wouldnt sell it if it wasnt for the ulez expansion, he said hes been working so much and just couldnt find the time to fix it.
I went to view it yesterday and test drove it.
I doo love the car and have about £1000 extra in my budget to fix it up
I was just wondering if anyone had an idea of what was wrong and maybe the cost so i could factor that in before i buy it on Saturday.

So when you push down the clutch theres no resistance until the very end. The car doesnt turn on and he has to turn it on with the fuse box. I did drive it and it was a nice drive no noise or anything that seemed wrong (but i know nothing about cars). The clutch did recognise when you pressed it to change gears though. And changed smoothly with no noise or slow down in acceleration. It was just very depressed and only had resistance at the end.

Any ideas? And thank you in advance
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Re: Citroen c4 picasson 2014

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Give it a wide berth if I were you. You may have issues with the clutch and depending on what model and what gearbox is fitted to it, there may be other issues which can be very expensive to fix, especially if this is a piloted manual gearbox.

As this is likely to be a private sale, you will have ZERO comeback if it packs up.

You can probably find something a lot better with some warranty from a garage.
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Re: Citroen c4 picasson 2014

Unread post by MiniMeMicks »

Thank you Marc,

What would you say is very expensive? It is a manual im not sure if its piloted, im not sure what that means.

The seller called his insurence when it happened and the man said its probably the clutch sensor but hes not sure.
Would it be possible that its just a clutch sensor? Because i saw that for aboit £150 parts included.
Or maybe a clutch pump?

I guess i was thinking it could be more serious but if its only the starting of the car and not the changing gears thats the issue, i was hoping its just somthing small or at lease 1 thing?

How likely do you think that is, It was in good condition and good service history and mot?
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Re: Citroen c4 picasson 2014

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Ok so I was having a male blonde moment there - if it has a clutch, it won't be piloted manual or of course an automatic.

However, it's not likely to be the clutch sensor, as that won't have a bearing on the clutch pedal having no tension until it's nearly at the bottom. The Clutch sensor is used for the Stop Start system and for things like the cruise control. The later cruise control systems will allow you to declutch to change gear without disabling the actual cruise control operation - so that when you engage a different gear and release the clutch, it maintains the selected cruise speed without having to re-enable it again. As you've already found out, the clutch sensor detects when the clutch pedal is depressed, so on stop start systems allows the engine to be started when the clutch is depressed.

Obviously we can't give you a diagnosis on the Forum, but it could be dangerous in this condition if the engine cut out and you had to manually restart in flowing traffic and then have to start mucking about with fuses....

I suspect an RAC or AA inspection may be worth a punt - but again that will cost, but if it was me, I'd steer clear without a proper independent inspection.
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Re: Citroen c4 picasson 2014

Unread post by MiniMeMicks »

Hi Marc,

I replied the same day, it must not if sent.

Thank you. Oh okk, yeah my mechanic said walk straight away if it was automatic or semiautomatic.
so if the clutch sensor is what controls the stop start system, do you think it could be 2 separate things is wrong. The sensor and somthing else. Or could the thing that causes the depressed pedal also be affecting it from turning on. Im just so confused cause it still changes gears. Yeah no i completly understand that you cant give me a prognosis i was just wondering if you knew of this happening before.
Yepp I've booked the AA in for an advanced check tomorrow, i understand, i wouldn't be driving if its somthing small i will defo be taking it straight to my mechanic.

I appriciate your reply and thanks again
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Re: Citroen c4 picasson 2014

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

It may help if you can provide the vehicle VIN so I can see exactly what equipment is fitted to save giving you irrelevant information (please post your VIN in full without spaces - it will be automatically masked from public view after submitting your post & will only be visible to staff).
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