XM diesel reliability

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XM diesel reliability

Unread post by diuco »

Hello, the question is simple:
In your experience, is the 2.5DT "DK5" or the 2.1 "XUD11" a more durable engine? What are their common problems and how do they compare in this regard to the diesels from the CX?
Thanks for your answers.
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Re: XM diesel reliability

Unread post by xantia_v6 »

Both the 2.1 and 2.5 are very reliable, almost bullet proof. The difference today is that due to limited production numbers, parts supply for the 2.5 is very difficult, including service items such as radiators and coolant header tanks.
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Re: XM diesel reliability

Unread post by aerodynamica »

I agree regarding the 2.1 I had a 1994 XM 2.1 SD Auto that was smooth and torquey. I only had two issues: 2x dead glow plugs made starting very hard. Simple issue I know but previous owners had never replaced the hard-to-reach plug behind the diesel pump. I finally replaced all4 and it started on the button thereafter. The second issue was air bubbles in the fuel. It was caused by the fuel heater block that's mounted at the end of the engine block above the gearbox and once bypassed with a new hose, the car ran faultlessly. Two fairly minor issues causing annoying running problems that were not hard to fix. The 2.1 is dated by today's standards and doesn't have all the balancer shafts etc of the 2.5 but it is rugged and dependable if cared for.
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Re: XM diesel reliability

Unread post by CitroJim »

The real secret to keeping these engines going long-term is attention to the cooling system. Look after it and also change cambelts at frequent intervals and these engines will go on for ever...

They hate to overheat though and the resultant head gasket changes are not the easiest with the engine in-situ...

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