Citroen Xantia 2.0Hdi 2000, recently bought, no break

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Citroen Xantia 2.0Hdi 2000, recently bought, no break

Unread post by nevereven »


2 days ago i bought this car. While i traveled to home (200km) sometimes the "STOP" and "Hydraulic pressure / low fluid" (basically its the (!) red light). But the brake was still OK. The steering was really really bad, like no help at all from the hydraulic steering. And its does the weird cranking noise.

Yesterday i checked the pipes, and found a loosen connection, after fixed it the steering become so much better, but clearly not normal, still does the cranking noise and sometimes hard to steer.

Today i tried to drive it, but there was no break at all sometimes. Its becoming worse, before the STOP light just flashed sometimes than dissappear, now its staying sometimes for a long time, and theres no break while its flashing.

When i listened the "clicking noise" from the pressure pump, its about 3-10 sec.
The suspension up/down system works fine, however a bit slow. I dont know what its supposed to be, but sometimes its need minutes to start operate..

I know nothing about the car life. What is in the LHM reservoir, or how much miles have the accumulator. I found 1 in front (i read its the main, and its supposed to be a 2-3 times emergency brake), 4 in corners, 1 in back i guess thats the anti slip. This should be fine, cause the car doesnt slip overnight?

My question is, if i have no break sometimes, as i mentioned, what should i replace or do? i think its connected to the steering problem, but thats small problem compared to no break sometimes. Its dangeorus right now
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Re: Citroen Xantia 2.0Hdi 2000, recently bought, no break

Unread post by myglaren »

That sounds typical of the accumulator sphere being 'flat', i.e. little or no gas left in it. The short 'tick' time is indicative of this.
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Re: Citroen Xantia 2.0Hdi 2000, recently bought, no break

Unread post by xantia_v6 »

Have you checked the LHM level with the engine running with the suspension at its highest setting?
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Re: Citroen Xantia 2.0Hdi 2000, recently bought, no break

Unread post by nevereven »

i forget to mention, that after i fixed a bad connection at the system, the LHM level dropped down a bit (guess the air and the fluid swapped), i checked it as you said, with engine running with the suspension at its highest setting.. the level is ok

So there is a chance i just need a new accumulator sphere? I need to make sure what parts i need to replace. The problem is hardly related to the LHM its sure. If i have a bad accumulator will it cause bad steering, slow up/down lifting, and no break sometimes? Cause i think theres also a chance i have a bad pump.

I read somewhere that after opening the LHM line, for a replace, etc.. needed to bleed the system, elsewhere they said its self bleeding, so i have no clue but i found some info about a bleeding screw on the regulator, tomorrow i will give it a try, cause im sure that the system had air in it before. What is weird for me, that when i bought the car the break still did its job with bad pipe connection. But now after fixing that connection its just didnt work and its completely random..
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Re: Citroen Xantia 2.0Hdi 2000, recently bought, no break

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The accumulator sphere main task is to provide pressure should the pump fail for any reason (such as would happen if the belt failed), and it also smooths out the surges caused by the pump action.

You may want to consider replacing all of the spheres at the same time, especially if you do not know how old they are. Be careful when doing this, as there are pitfalls. When you are working underneath the car make certain she is properly supported, as people have been killed when the suspension has dropped unexpectedly. When you are looking for spheres I have found that AEP Direct provided a good service. They will want the reg number when you place the order, so they can be sure to supply the correct parts.

When loosening the pressure screw on the regulator only undo it by a turn or two. There is a ball bearing sealing the system, and if this comes out it is virtually guaranteed to make a bolt for freedom. Once the pressure is released you will hear a high pitch whistle.

Once you have finished the work you will need to bleed the brakes, as they 'dead end' the hydraulics. The order to do this is rear right, rear left, front right, front left (as these are in order furthest from the LHM reservoir). You will also need to have something heavy holding down the brake pedal. As the bleed nipples do get rusty (and can seize) over time it will be worth spraying them with some penetrating fluid every day for a week or so, which should save you some grief (if one of them snaps). If you can get hold of something called Plus Gas it is worth getting it, as it works very well.
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Re: Citroen Xantia 2.0Hdi 2000, recently bought, no break

Unread post by nevereven »

So i released the screw, wait like 3-5 min (with idle engine) but nothing happened, guess the ball bearing stucked? After tighten the pressure screw, bleed the brakes, only the front left had significant amount of air.. But the problem still existed.

Then i loosened the 2 high pressure out pipe on hydraulic pump for a moment while the brakes was pressed. Brakes work again, the steering become so much smoother, still not perfect. While driving, the stop light pop up from time to time, but just for a sec or two, then fades away.

Ordered a new accumulator sphere cause the "ticking" noise time, however now i think this problem more related to air leak in the system, maybe bad pump or pressure regulator.
On the LHM reservoir there is an out(?) connection with a plastic pipe splitter, and on top of that (where the plastic splitter starting) i saw bubbles...
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Re: Citroen Xantia 2.0Hdi 2000, recently bought, no break

Unread post by Hell Razor5543 »

You don't want the engine running, as this will try to keep the pressure maintained. Once you have replaced any parts I would suggest you start the engine, let it run for a couple of minutes (to help any air to return to the reservoir, to then escape to the atmosphere), and then tighten up the bolt.

Once you have bled the brakes you need to 'exercise' the other hydraulic systems (to get any air out). This is known as 'Citrobics'. With the engine running and the handbrake on raise the suspension to full height and then wait for a minute or so. Hold the footbrake down hard, and drop the suspension to the lowest setting. The nose will drop but the rear will not (as you are holding the brakes on, which helps the exercise them). After another minute or so release the footbrake; the rear will drop quite quickly. Wait for another minute or so, then (holding the footbrake down hard) move the suspension to the highest setting. The nose will rise, but the rear will not (same reason). Wait for another minute, then release the footbrake; the rear will lift up quickly. Repeat these steps a dozen or so times, which should get any air in the suspension back to the reservoir, and help free off any sticking suspension parts. Now (with the car at its' normal ride height) slowly turn the steering from full lock to full lock (waiting at each lock for a few seconds), doing this for a dozen times or so, for the same reason (Important note; if you have a C5 do NOT hold the steering at full lock, as this could strain the electric steering pump).

You may be able to get hold something called Hydrauincage. This is a special cleaning fluid designed for the LHM systems (this is NOT suitable for the LDS systems). You would drain as much LHM out as possible, replace it with the Hydrauincage, and then run the car for around 3,000 miles. All being will this will help remove any dirt that may have built up in the system. Then you drain the LHM system of the Hydrauncage and replace it with LHM. LHM should be replaced every 35,000 miles, and ideally each third change should be with a Hydrauincage step.
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Re: Citroen Xantia 2.0Hdi 2000, recently bought, no break

Unread post by admiral51 »

There will be an awful lot of air in the system once it has been opened up even for a quick pipe repair.
Not sure if you have seen it but there is a very detailed and comprehensive guide on the procedure.
Have a look at This Thread it will be most helpful to you.
