Looking for part number / specific term to Google

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Looking for part number / specific term to Google

Unread post by the-termin8r »

Hi everyone,

I want to make a custom cubby to fit in the slot between my radio and ashtray on my X7. I have the version with the lid, but I don't want to destroy it because a replacement would set me back some 40 quid. I just want to get my hands on the white clip things like in the image below so that I have a way of mounting any custom designs. The problem is that I don't know what the part number is or what to specifically search for because any query with 'clips' in it returns a bunch of those screw/rivet-like ones seen on the headlight cowling under the bonnet.


- Rob

My account accidentally got deleted late Dec '23, so if you're reading my posts from then or earlier and they look weird / are missing media, that's why. Not much can be done, sorry.
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Re: Looking for part number / specific term to Google

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

These are not sold separately and are only sold as part of the complete component.
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Re: Looking for part number / specific term to Google

Unread post by the-termin8r »

Well, so much for those future projects.
- Rob

My account accidentally got deleted late Dec '23, so if you're reading my posts from then or earlier and they look weird / are missing media, that's why. Not much can be done, sorry.