Relay van changed Rear ABS light still on

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Ralph yeates
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Relay van changed Rear ABS light still on

Unread post by Ralph yeates »

Hi I changed the rear ABS sensor as it was destroyed by the wheel bearing. Do I need to reset this on the ECU / diagnostic connection to get rid of the light?
Hell Razor5543
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Re: Relay van changed Rear ABS light still on

Unread post by Hell Razor5543 »

Try taking it for a short drive, making sure to go over 6MPH. Certain systems need to 'see' that a real repair has been effected. When I replaced the ABS sensor on my Xantia the ABS light remained on until the ABS sensor 'saw' all of the wheels were turning (not just three of them and no signal on the fourth).

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Re: Relay van changed Rear ABS light still on

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Ralph yeates wrote: 02 May 2023, 15:04 Hi I changed the rear ABS sensor as it was destroyed by the wheel bearing. Do I need to reset this on the ECU / diagnostic connection to get rid of the light?
No, you do not. The ESP / ABS ECU self-checks itself at start up and any faults will be recorded then, unless there is an issue detected whilst driving. Once the ESP / ABS ECU starts receiving data again it will self-clear.
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