Citeon relay coolant temperature gauge not working

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Posts: 1
Joined: 30 Apr 2023, 16:12

Citeon relay coolant temperature gauge not working

Unread post by connorbfd »

Hi people I'm new to this site I'm just wondering if anyone can help me
I have a citeon relay 2.2 2016 swb
My temperature gauge on the dash has stopped working I have a feeling it's the coolant temperature sensor
I can drive the van for however long until it gets warm
But the gauge still won't move
I'm just wondering if anyone can tell me where I will find the location of the coolant temperature sensor
As I have done some searches on the net and YouTube but can't seem to find any useful information
Posts: 2
Joined: 20 Jun 2024, 08:27

Re: Citeon relay coolant temperature gauge not working

Unread post by Wynn134 »

Hello did you find the cause of the issue ?

Mine is doing exactly the same thing