P1536 Citroen c3

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P1536 Citroen c3

Unread post by muresan504 »

Warning light on the board.
Is it the brake pedal switch? where is it located on my car? I would like pictures of where it is located and the repair method.
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Re: P1536 Citroen c3

Unread post by muresan504 »

Are those from point 6 or 5 the switch
indicated on the diagnosis?
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Re: P1536 Citroen c3

Unread post by muresan504 »

Please help me quickly, if those are the problems I can order them and install them tomorrow. I need a car 🤞
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Re: P1536 Citroen c3

Unread post by muresan504 »

And I have another problem, Lexia doesn't read abs and esp, why? Is it because of p1536?
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Re: P1536 Citroen c3

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

No it's probably because your VCI Clone isn't able to read them. The ESP (if fitted) or ABS/ECU are often not readable with some clones, or it may be the firmware / software version you are running is too high.

P1536: Brake switch signal: Lack of coherence between the 2 brake pedal signals. Lack of coherence between the 2 brake pedal signals for 100 ms.

This will cause engine downgrade modes:

Change of engine speed control to 1250 rpm
Cut in the vehicle cruise control irreversible.

Possible causes:

Built-in systems interface
Brake pedal
Brake pedal sensor
Electrical harness

The P0226 fault concerns the accelerator track signals - I don't have the exact details, but there's an issue with the data tracks.

I would investigate wiring in this area as you have issues with both the accelerator and the brake switch, unless you have done any wiring work recently around the fuse box / BSI.
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Re: P1536 Citroen c3

Unread post by muresan504 »

I replaced the ABS pump, the old one had a burnt engine. The new pump worked, I managed to activate it with the lexia. Before and after replacing the ABS pump, Lexia also read the ABS and ESP modules, now I don't know why it doesn't want to read them anymore. I ordered the 2 sensors because they are cheap, I will see tomorrow. The taillights work, but I change them both from point 5 and 6. I checked fuse f5 in the engine compartment and it's ok. Now I have to see with those sensors.
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Re: P1536 Citroen c3

Unread post by muresan504 »

So we take the Lexia out of the equation because it also read ABS and ESP before I replaced the pump. And after I replaced the pump it only read sometimes and sometimes not until now it stopped reading it at all, the fault codes being those of already posted above.
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Re: P1536 Citroen c3

Unread post by muresan504 »

Problem solved.
I bought 2 new sensors, but the problem was not the sensors. The problem was the brake pedal that pushed both sensors out of the socket. Because of this, the Lexia did not read the abs and esp module!