Citroen C5 2010 front park sensors

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Citroen C5 2010 front park sensors

Unread post by makssenior »

Hello !

my first post on this forum even I few times read for other folks problems,right now I work on citroen C 5 2010,after some frontal damage/crash there is so many wires damaged.even without schematic but with use of diagnostic tool I manage to repair most of them..there is only one system what beats me to concrete garage floor..
front park have 6 front sensors and I find 8 wires on bumber crushed without connector..I belive that power suply is in paralel to all sensors so that is 2 wires for all of them- 6 wires are for signal to park ecu.of course french wires are not colour coded I know that..but cant find any numbers on them??..also I need to find where to conect them ? damaged side is driver side near batery so probably wires are there crushed too..
I desperadly need schematic diagram for this system,or even some descriptions will I corect in my opinion that 3 pin sensor is only one signal wire and 2 wires are for power suply...wich 2 wires- 1-2-3

car VIN is VF7**************[VIN obfuscated, can be read by forum staff] ..

what sw you guys use for Citroen schematic ? Iam good in electric/electronic but mostly work on Germans car and have tools and literature for them

can anybody help on this ?
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Re: Citroen C5 2010 front park sensors

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Don't rely on colour codes - use the wiring pins and the codes which are reprinted every several inches on the wire sleeves.

So basically the positive + and negative - wires for all sensors are linked, which makes 2 of the 8 wires, and the remaining 6 wires are the sensor connections to the ECU form pin 3 of each sensor connector. That's your 8 wires in total.

Click Image to Zoom


7500: parking assistance ECU
7518: front left outer parking assistance sensor
7507: front left inner parking assistance sensor
7509: front right inner parking assistance sensor
7516: front left lateral parking assistance sensor
7517: front right lateral parking assistance sensor
7519: front right outer parking assistance sensor

7520: front LH outer sensor signal
7523E: front sensor control +
7524E: front sensor control -

7524D: front sensor control -
7523D: front sensor control +
7519: front LH inner sensor signal

7523A: front sensor control +
7524A: front sensor control -
7521: front RH inner sensor signal

7523F: front sensor control +
7524F: front sensor control -
7538: left side sensor signal

7524C: front sensor control -
7523C: front sensor control +
7539: right side sensor signal

7524B: front sensor control -
7523B: front sensor control +
7519: front LH inner sensor signal
X7 park sensors b.PNG
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Re: Citroen C5 2010 front park sensors

Unread post by makssenior »

wow thats just trace all wires until I see number on them..OK..

based on my measurment on sensor pins 1 and 2 is power lines pin 3 is always output signal so this schematic confirm it..
7523 always positiv suply
7524 negativ suply

should I expect full 12 V for suply or is it some stabilized voltage 8-10 V ?

thanks once again this is so big help !

regards !
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Re: Citroen C5 2010 front park sensors

Unread post by makssenior »

well after spend some time to find number on wires I simply decide to another aproach-numbers are almost invisible..but since I have schematic will be easier to conect one by one wire on ecu connector and find wich one is what is from frontal colision so some wire change colour because somebody already try to repair it...with youre schematic it will be easy task...tomorow is another day/another problems..

Thank you !
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Re: Citroen C5 2010 front park sensors

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

No problem, but there is no further voltage data available.
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Re: Citroen C5 2010 front park sensors

Unread post by makssenior »

all work fine now..
found another place with few broken wires
without schematic and proper diagnostic tool that job is mision imposible

connect wires like in schematic solder them and insulate with schrink tube...need to find some connector 8 pins one of these days
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Re: Citroen C5 2010 front park sensors

Unread post by Hell Razor5543 »

I would not use connectors unless they are waterproof. Think of the spray, etc., coming up from the road.
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Re: Citroen C5 2010 front park sensors

Unread post by LAZYDAISY »

I’m looking into retro fitting these too but can you get away without the two side ones and link the sensors outputs on another front one to fool it into thinking that they are there and just have the four across the front?
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Re: Citroen C5 2010 front park sensors

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

This thread is about repairing the existing system, not retrofitting.

But no you can't. Citroen only supply a separate generic aftermarket (Non Citroen) kit for retrofitting. The original parking assistance ECU requires all 4 (rear) and / or all 4-6 front sensors to be correctly operational and assigned to work correctly as well as programmed in the BSI.
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