Anyone know the specific format for RT6 micro SD card?

This unit is the eMyWay system, also referred to as RT6, RNEG2, or WIPNAV+ for the Peugeot platform and made by Magneti Marelli.
Main Features: The eMyWay colour satellite navigation has high resolution mapping, Bluetooth Telephone & Audio Streaming supported profiles, USB support for Media files & CD

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Anyone know the specific format for RT6 micro SD card?

Post by ChrisKe »

Anyone know the specific format for RT6 micro SD card?

I'm getting the checking message
Finally managed to remove my radio and the SD card
Copied the files
Reformatted the card
Copied the files back on
Still getting checking message?
Tried 2 other cards I had and also bought a brand new SD card, formatted as Fat 32, copied the same files.
The radio just wouldn't even start, just kept chugging even with ignition off
Each time replaced with the original card and works fine apart from checking message.

I did notice that the original card has an obscure block size?? Despite that I reformatted it. Which leads me to wonder whether there is something more specific to the formatting???
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Re: Anyone know the specific format for RT6 micro SD card?

Post by GiveMeABreak »

When you say 'copied the files' what exactly do you mean? - the User files using Mirascripts?

If so, these are just the configuration files for the user and the vehicle. If your internal MicroSD card is failing, then you can't just put another MicroSD card in and copy the user files back over - that will be useless. You have to install the firmware onto the new MicroSD card first, then use Mirascripts to restore the previously copied user files.

Everything you need to do is here in the first post of the guide. From what you've said above you've missed an entire part of the process out.
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Re: Anyone know the specific format for RT6 micro SD card?

Post by ChrisKe »

Had a look at that post which suggests it's for "updating firmware", that's not what I need.

I just used windows to copy all the files from the SD card
I totally slow reformatted the original SD card
Copied all the files back again.
It works as before but still says checking...
I can't see any dos scripts surviving a deep format
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Re: Anyone know the specific format for RT6 micro SD card?

Post by GiveMeABreak »

No that's not at all what the guide is for.

This is what I am referring to and assumed, perhaps incorrectly what you were referring to:

How to Replace the Internal MicroSD Card - RT6

All Flash Memory, like SD Cards have a finite lifespan. At some point these will begin to reach end of life when they reach the limit of write cycles and the NAND memory cells can no longer be written to.

This is when you start to get errors and faults on the RT6 system. This is why I put the guide up on how to replace the internal Micro SD card and to which I thought you were referring.

I think you should read the first post through. The latest firmware is used to recreate the correct partitions and system files on the new MicroSD card and once completed, you then copy the user / vehicle specific files back using Mirasrcipts, which you should use in the first part to make a backup of, otherwise your unit may lose configuration and will need dealer intervention.

Secondly Widows just can't copy these files back as they are not the same file system. The RT6 uses a form of Automotive UNIX.

Anyway the guide is there, so your choice whether you use it or not. Of course there are no guarantees, but you need to follow the guide if you want to replace the MicroSD card.
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Re: Anyone know the specific format for RT6 micro SD card?

Post by ChrisKe »

Nope I totally don't relate to any of that post.
Because I'm not "upgrading", and I don't need the "latest software"

I simply need to replace the micro SD card like with like and don't need any files at all.

I'll have a look for some for of mirroring software

Strange thing is that I totally reformattedt the original SD card and put the find back on and it totally works but still includes the error
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Re: Anyone know the specific format for RT6 micro SD card?

Post by GiveMeABreak »

I'm just telling you that the file system used is an automotive version of Unix, so Windows may not see or recognise these files in specific partitions natively - meaning you will require third part software to do this.

You can't normally copy the MicroSD card and replace the contents onto a new card. That's why we need to extract the specific configuration files by using Mirascripts, which includes the user and vehicle configuration.

You've also misunderstood the guide. It is not for upgrading, it is for replacing the MicroSD card, usually after failure or imminent failure. When replacing the MicroSD card you need the latest Firmware version on USB which will create the partitions on the card and correctly install the operating files. You then use the second part of Mirascripts (Part B) to restore the configuration data back onto the card after the new MicroSD card has been installed and the firmware USB used to recreate the system partitions etc.

The Firmware version 2.86 has 2 purposes - one to upgrade the system and secondly can be used to install the operating system files necessary and recreate the correct partitions after a Micro SD card replacement.

You can't just copy the MicroSD card.
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Re: Anyone know the specific format for RT6 micro SD card?

Post by Paul-R »

I use a program called Minitool Partition Wizard for copying files on the SD card to another card (usually bigger than the original for the extra large maps now used).

You can also use it for altering size of the partitions, stealing space from one and giving it to another. I did exactly this with the SD card in the SMEG+ unit in our Peugeot 308.
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Re: Anyone know the specific format for RT6 micro SD card?

Post by PLAWSKI_PL »

ChrisKe wrote: 11 Apr 2023, 13:55 Nope I totally don't relate to any of that post.
Because I'm not "upgrading", and I don't need the "latest software"

I simply need to replace the micro SD card like with like and don't need any files at all.

I'll have a look for some for of mirroring software

Strange thing is that I totally reformattedt the original SD card and put the find back on and it totally works but still includes the error
It won't work, furthermore just sticking the original SD card in a PC running windows will screw it up! Windows writes a hidden folder and some files on all removal media you connect to your PC whereas the radio checks the check-sum (CRC) to confirm the card is OK and the files aren't corrupt. Since the added windows files will give a mismatch, the radio falls into an endless reboot cycle. Furthermore, simple copying also doesn't work as the SD card has unusual partitioning - when you stick it into your PC it actually should come up as three partitions (separate drive letters), sometimes I have seen this only appear as two with one partition hidden, where a drive letter won't be assigned to it. If you wan't to try copying the cards 1:1 you either need some specialized software or do it under linux etc. But if the radio was already resseting itself and acting erratically, you likelly won't be able to read off it the correct data to write unto the new card ... i.e. CRC mismatch and you are back to the original situation. Do as everybody - pop in a blank card in the radio and then install the system from an upgrade USB pendrive or CD.
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Re: Anyone know the specific format for RT6 micro SD card?

Post by djmailey »

Guys, I have the same rt6 problem. Can't even clone the card its so bad. I did get mirascript to run but it has only copied the following files
User_4.dat (dat file)
User_4.dat (setup information)
User_com.dat (dat file)
User_com.dat (setup information)
User_config.dat (dat file)
User_config.dat (setup information)

Would these be the right user setup files for when I update in case it resets for factory.
They are all very small (5kb it the biggest)

Any help would be greatfull as this is driving me nuts.
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Re: Anyone know the specific format for RT6 micro SD card?

Post by GiveMeABreak »

If you've run the Mirascript utility, it will have copied the relevant files that it can, barring any read or corruption issues. That's all you can do. These are not large files.

Run through the card replacement and upgrade guides in the RT6 Forum which are listed at the top of the posts.
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