No sound on SMEG V1, not speaker releated

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No sound on SMEG V1, not speaker releated

Unread post by ronin »

Hi there,

I've read every forum regarding the sound disappearing. I've checked speaker connections, amp connections,
smeg connections, resetting BSI, etc. I'm sure it's a SMEG related problem because if I put another working
SMEG in the car the sound works.

So any idea what could cause the SMEG to suppress any sound ? I guess that's a component failing on the
circuit board, or a bad solder. I've compared it with a working SMEG circuit board, can't see any difference
visually. Maybe some Diagbox options that got erased from the EPROM ?
I would appreciate any pointer, I'm out of idea.
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Re: No sound on SMEG V1, not speaker releated

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

I was going to suggest checking the wiring if you have the optional equaliser amplifier fitted, but as you've already tried it with another unit that won't be the issue.

So in that case, it is likely to be the internal hardware, possibly the internal amplifier that has failed.
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Re: No sound on SMEG V1, not speaker releated

Unread post by ronin »

Internal amplifier is a lead I didn't think about. I'll try to identify it on the circuit board and see if I can check for short circuit or else