Tally Ho et al

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Tally Ho et al

Unread post by Dormouse »

I totally blame FCF for hooking me on videos like this. After finding it in these hallowed blogs, I binge watched 96 episodes to bring myself totally upto date on Tally Ho and I eagerly await every new episode.

This might just be of interest to some of you - it is about the broader community in Port Townsend Boat Building. You even get to see Poncho and No Feet Pete again.

Thanks also for things like Ivan's Shed and the eclectic mix of music and interests shared in FCF.

A very grateful Dormouse.
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Re: Tally Ho et al

Unread post by mickthemaverick »

Thanks for that Dormouse, as an avid follower of Leo's adventures from video 7 onwards, and yes I did catch up on 1-6, I too look forward to each new release as they come along. Going on Leo's estimates we should have another 2 year's worth of material to view!! :-D
I used to be indecisive, now I'm not so sure!
I used to ride on two wheels, but now I need all four!
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Re: Tally Ho et al

Unread post by Dormouse »


Also, if anyone wonders about my new Avatar, it is a tribute to Casey Ladelle. Yes, he is American and, yes, he is not going to be everyone's cup of tea, but I find him interesting and humble albeit he is a Yank on YouTube. His channel isn't all about the money it generates or how he is the best thing since sliced bread. He has an ileostemy and doesn't let it rule his life. He turns down paying work to keep his promises to his young daughter. He puts in some oddball but interesting videos to showcase people and things other than himself. A lot of the money he generates goes to doing free rescue/recovery jobs for people stuck in some awful conditions. He also cares about his local community. I find him fairly truthful and genuine with a moral compass I can get along with. All in all, not your average perceived Yank - he seems to plough his own furrow and doesn't pursue the blingy kudos that other YouTubers do.
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Re: Tally Ho et al

Unread post by Dormouse »

Some of Casey's exploits

These are a diverse selection of his videos and are only scraping the surface of his range of activities covered.