DS5 2.0hdi dead battery won’t boost start

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DS5 2.0hdi dead battery won’t boost start

Unread post by Neilied »

Sat awaiting recovery :( first breakdown in my ds5. Initially wouldn’t start but dash lite up. Now completely dead. First recovery chap came and put a pack on it but wouldn’t turn over. Added a battery and the van to it and I think the immobiliser was cutting in as it turned over but didn’t catch. Tried the key fob and then not enough charge to get it going.

He noted the fan running continuously and surmised that it was a possible thermostat issue keeping the fan on and killing the not so new battery. But a little google leads me to believe it’s not that simple.

Getting recovered to a an independent garage as the local dealer has no appointments until after Xmas.

If anyone has any tips and ideas that I haven’t already found on here I will be very grateful.
