Speed reverse error

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Speed reverse error

Unread post by heshamderbala »

Could you please tell me what causes the error of engine fault appears and disappears immediately if iam at revers and press the speed pedal hard suddenly but the error doesnt appear if i press normally and this happend in reverse only whether in flat land or hill
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Re: Speed reverse error

Unread post by xantia_v6 »

It is difficult to diagnose without more information. At least tell us what model of car! There may be a stored fault code.
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Re: Speed reverse error

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

It may be because the engine speed is limited whilst in reverse gear - by design to protect the gearbox. However if you do have a fault code it may help and clarification that this is in relation to your DS7.
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Re: Speed reverse error

Unread post by heshamderbala »

Iam not speeding , it just appear if i pushed the speed pedal with more power like if you are reversing and going up garage ramp you push hard in the begining then go slowly and the message appears in the hard push only but if you dont push and go slowly the message doesn't appear

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C4 Grand Picasso 2015