Cooling fan run time.

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Cooling fan run time.

Unread post by seanrx »

Hi all.
In my C5 I fitted a manual cooling fan switch on the dash, works great.

But, when engine off, how much time to run the fan?

The rad is cold to touch in 1 minute. Its enough time or to continue so coolant hoses and engine block cool down also?

The fan (just 1) runs at max speed only and a good flow of air can be felt behind the radiator.

The new battery is a Yuasa, so it has enough power.
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white exec
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Re: Cooling fan run time.

Unread post by white exec »

The radiator will be cooled very quickly by the fans (especially at full speed) with the engine not running.
Even without this "after-cooling" it will be safe to just shut everything down.
If you are going to run the fan for a while, a minute or two will be more than enough.
Trouble is, without the engine running, there is no circulation of coolant round the system (by the water pump), so its only the radiator (and the engine bay) that gets a bit of cool air, not the engine block.
I shouldn't worry about it too much.
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Re: Cooling fan run time.

Unread post by seanrx »

Good to read, thanks for confirming this.