Citroen C4 B7 2014 second hand TPMS sensors for winter set of tires

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Citroen C4 B7 2014 second hand TPMS sensors for winter set of tires

Unread post by mostcho »

Hello I searched the forum for info but did not found answers to my questions. Longs story short.
The car is Citroen C4 B7 2014 1.6hdi 114hp originaly with TPMS sensors with serial number 9811536380. I obtained second hand sensors with serial number 9673860880 and installed them in the second winter set of tires. The sensors ofcourse were not recognized. What I tried to "wake them":

1. With Diagbox entered the IDs of the sensors in the TPMS ECU (only four values were available, so if this had worked I was gona entered the values every time I change tires from winter to summer). I drove the car and after hour of driving SERVICE light went ON and basicly this did not work.

2. I bought from aliexpress ... 4c4dVOXQQD (2018 Newest TPMS ST-TP Reset V2 Auto Tire Presure Monitor Sensor For V-W/Benz/B-M-W TPMS Reset Tool For All Cars Free Shipping, if the link is not ok to submit) tool stated to work with Citroen in order to wake the sensors, and TPMS ECU to recognise them. I connected the car with Diagbox, went to "install new sensors", folowed the screen instructions starting init from front left wheel and after a lot of tries pocking the tools at the rim, the tire, the valve, basicly nothing happend. And yes I did turned on the tool, after plasing it above the valve on the tire.

The Questions:
What am I doing wrong or is any of this right?
Have someone used tool like the above, and is it working?
Is there another way, simpler to recognise the sensors?
Can someone please tell me what is the right way to do this, step by step?

Everything will be of great help, Thank you.
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Re: Citroen C4 B7 2014 second hand TPMS sensors for winter set of tires

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

This is the official procedure, but requires an exciter tool. Obviously, I can't comment on any aftermarket tools or their suitability or capability to perform the operation, but this is the official procedure if you have Diagbox and a suitable valve enforcer. There is no reason why you cannot programme a set of winter tyres at the same time - this is clearly listed in the procedure.

Compulsory tools
  • A valve forcer.
  • Diagnostic tool (like Diagbox).
Programming procedure

Perform the following operations:
  • Connect the diagnostic equipment to the vehicle’s diagnostic socket.
  • Using the diagnostic tool, select in the menu "Initialisation of the wheel transmitter modules".
  • Select in the menu " Reading the identifiers of the wheel transmitter modules".
Make a note of the identifier of each wheel transmitter module currently memorised in the tyre under-inflation detection ECU and of its position (front left wheel, front right, rear left or rear right).
N.B. : Make a note of the identifiers of the wheel transmitter modules, 4 main wheels and additional wheels (like a winter set), if applicable.

Perform the following operations:
  • Select the menu "Writing the wheel transmitter module identifiers by energising".
  • Select the menu "Wheel transmitter module programming procedure".
Follow the procedure described in the diagnostic tool.

At the end of the procedure, return to the menu "Reading the identifiers of the wheel transmitter modules".

Final check

When fitting a new tyre under-inflation detection sensor, check that the identifier of the new wheel transmitter module is present on the list of identifiers memorised in the tyre under-inflation detection ECU.
When not fitting a new tyre under-inflation detection sensor, check that the identifier of the wheel transmitter module which is not monitored has changed.
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Re: Citroen C4 B7 2014 second hand TPMS sensors for winter set of tires

Unread post by mostcho »

After a bit of struggle I found out how this works. The issue was in my Diagbox software or Lexia hardware, I don't know exactly but they don't works with aftermarket tools. I manage to activate my sensors with the tool I bought from AliExpress but the software I used was Autocom 2020. After starting the procedure for detecting sensors one by one and holding the tool next to the sensor for a minute. The ECU recognised the sensor ID by itself. I know a lot of people are searching information about TPMS and I hope I will help someone else. :)