Super, Take your time I might take some electric assistance for my additional miles.
I was trying to find a blog I had found before but struggled for a while, I remembered he had said something good about Barnoldswick, thought it might be accommodation related but it was this....
Probably because it was so unexpected in such a disappointing place as Barnoldswick, I’m awarding McCullough’s Bar the prize. The beer was very good and well priced, the other customers were friendly, and there was a surprisingly good level of free music on the Monday night I visited.
I think the Stone trough is going to have to satify our accomodation needs so if you could get me a bed for the night that would be great. Might be worth having a stroll to McCulloghs Bar just to acknowledge Ian Dents recommendation..we are following roughly his stages after all.
I will tackle any accumulated quiz questions back at the Stone Trough for a bit of relaxation!
Regards Neil