Garage Queen!

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Joined: 17 Aug 2009, 13:41
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Garage Queen!

Unread post by centurus2400 »

It's a good job I love my C5, but it, in turn, loves being at the local garage - who I must say do a very god job.
Interestingly it's the only X7 that they look after.

So it passed it's MOT with only a front drop link that had to replaced which they did while it was there.
It got a fast pass on emissions too, which was very gratifying.

Then two days later the battery died completely, though to be fair it had been a bit feeble for a while. Looking back on the forum a lot of people recommend Yuasa batteries, which I duly purchased , to replace the previous Varta. So far its been absolutely excellent, even when parked up for several days it still doesn't go into economy mode :-D

Also I had an advisory for the NSF wheel bearing and given that the cam belt needed doing too, on age rather than mileage, I duly booked it in.

The cam belt was no problem but when the hub was stripped to replace the wheel bearing the ABS sensor was immovably stuck in place and had to be drilled out.
The lower ball joint wasn't wonderful either so that also got changed for a new one.

All this plus the final (third) autobox fluid change ended up costing a lot of money but, with it all done the car drives really well and hopefully should spend more time on my premises and not theirs!
