Citroen C5 2007 Front Suspension Pipe leaking

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Citroen C5 2007 Front Suspension Pipe leaking

Unread post by Bob_V »

I have a Citroen two C5s both 2007 model. There is a leak on each car from the bundle of pipes known as the 'Front Suspension Back Harness'. The part number is 5270RN. Unfortunately this part is no longer available from Citroen as a service item. This is the fourth C5 I have owned and they have all developed a leak from this 'Back Harness'. I have searched the internet for anyone with existing stock without success. Does anyone know of a solution to this problem. For example , is it possible to carry out a repair? Any suggestions would help. The situation is getting serious and I would love to save both of these cars.
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Re: Citroen C5 2007 Front Suspension Pipe leaking

Unread post by xantia_v6 »

Can you see the leak? or share a picture?
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Re: Citroen C5 2007 Front Suspension Pipe leaking

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

Somebody was offering them on Ebay for...……………..£299.00 but no longer listed. ... 587850513
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Re: Citroen C5 2007 Front Suspension Pipe leaking

Unread post by RichardW »

This appears to be the connection harness between the hydractive valve and the OS strut, plus 2 other connections (not clear what these do!). I've not heard of others leaking, so you appear to be suffering very bad luck! It ought to be repairable, depending on where it is leaking. Somebody like Eurocarcare or Plaeides could make up a new solid pipe, and a hose supplier might be able to fix the supply pipe to the sphere. You need to work out exactly what is leaking and take it from there - you may need to get it out, which I bet is not that easy....
Richard W
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Re: Citroen C5 2007 Front Suspension Pipe leaking

Unread post by white exec »

Try calling SGG (originally Shalford Green Garage), located at Dunsfold Aerodrome in Surrey. They have a website.
Citroen specialist, who have done a good bit of re-piping.
They should be able to recognise that part number.

Not particularly close to you; unsure whether the car is drivable.
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Re: Citroen C5 2007 Front Suspension Pipe leaking

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

I've no experience of these guys, just spotted their van in a local car park so googled them.
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Re: Citroen C5 2007 Front Suspension Pipe leaking

Unread post by myglaren »

^Looks interesting - copied to "Useful Links" until we learn more about them.