ADBlue anyone?

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ADBlue anyone?

Post by Gibbo2286 »

This just popped up in my mail as an offer from the GMF GSF etc. lot.
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Re: ADBlue anyone?

Post by NewcastleFalcon »

Gibbo2286 wrote: 15 Mar 2018, 11:20 This just popped up in my mail as an offer from the GMF GSF etc. lot.
and that Post Gibbo is the 64,000 th post on the Off Topic Chat Lounge =D> :-D

Diesels last gasp. Make Blue P**S, and sell it to the public to put a sticking plaster over emissions!

Slightly tongue in cheek but not much :-D

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Re: ADBlue anyone?

Post by RichardW »

Don't need any yet.... going to be a few months before need to refill the new C4!

The way the press is going on you would think NOX was a) something new and b) was increasing significantly. However, it has reduced by 80% since early 80s (although it re-peaked in about 1990); and in most cases is well below the target level. It is only a few streets in a few (16) cities where 24hour averages are exceeded. Overall road traffic only accounts for about 50% of NOX. It makes sense to have a ban on high NOX vehicles in the city centres, but there is no justification for a total ban - and in any case this would probably lead to a rise in power generation NOX emissions; unless we can magically make the wind blow 24/7!
Richard W