C5 (X7) Component Failures /Faults / Replacements Poll

This is the Forum for all your Citroen Technical Questions, Problems or Advice.

Which of the following failures/replacements (past & present) have you had on your C5 (X7)

A/C Compressor
A/C Condenser
BHI (Hydraulic Pump / Motor)
Blown Air Module
Car Battery (<3 Years)
Clutch (< 40k Miles)
Clutch (40-80k Miles)
Dual Mass Flywheel (<40k Miles)
Dual Mass Flywheel (40-80k Miles)
EGR Valve
Electric Parking Brake
Electric Window Regulator
Engine Fuse Box
Front Height Sensor
Front Suspension Pipe
Front Suspension Strut
Head Unit/Audio/Sat Nav
Heater Resistance Module
Manual Handbrake Cable
Parking Sensor(s)
Particulate Filter (FAP)
Power Steering Pump
Rear Height Sensor
Rear Suspension Pipe
Rear Suspension Strut
Screen Wiper Motor
Starter Motor
Steering Rack
Tyre Pressure Sensor(s)
Vacuum Solenoid
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C5 (X7) Component Failures /Faults / Replacements Poll

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

C5 (X7) Component Failures /Faults / Replacements Polll
C5 X7 Saloon
C5 X7 Saloon
C5 X7 Tourer
C5 X7 Tourer
This is just an experiment to see if this is something that would be of interest to members and could be extended to other models. There would seem to be common and not so common part failures, so I thought an ongoing poll may be useful for members to record what they have had replaced or had fail on their C5 X7.

The idea being that people may get some idea of what has failed and whether this is likely to happen, or to see if there is a pattern. Some things may appear to be wear and tear items - but have been included with a mileage or time span, so could be deemed as unusual / early failure.

I appreciate there may not be as many regular X7 members / owners as there are other MK I & II C5s, so I may do a combined one for the 2 previous models if there is an interest, so please let me know if this is something you would want. Hopefully I have covered the main things.

Edit: It seems that permissions don't allow by default the changing of votes once submitted, (which makes sense), so please check through all the options first (they are in alphabetical order) before submitting. Please note that some items are referred to their formal name such as 'BHI' for Hydraulic Pump / Motor.

So past and present X7 owners, please make your mark. :P
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Re: C5 (X7) Component Failures /Faults / Replacements Poll

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Great idea.
I wonder if some common problems are only common to a particular variant though and that therefore makes it difficult to separate?

'85 CX GTi Turbo s1 (met. blue)
2x '85 CX GTi Turbo s2 t1 (met. silver & grey)
'88 CX GTi Turbo s2 T2 (met. light blue)
CX DTR T2 Safari (silver)
2x '96 Xantia Activa (Black & met. green)
'01 C5 2.0 HDi LX Estate (Blue)
'11 C5 X7 3.0 V6 Exclusive Tourer
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Re: C5 (X7) Component Failures /Faults / Replacements Poll

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

That's my thinking Iain - I know for example with the steering racks that this has been a mega failure on the X7 - but almost unheard of on previous models of the C5 (or any other cars to be honest at the rate these are failing).

So I wanted to start off with the X7 variant and if there's any interest, I'll kick one off for the previous C5s - so anyone wanting this, let me know and also any specific issues affecting the earlier ones over what I've listed above and I'll put it together.
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Re: C5 (X7) Component Failures /Faults / Replacements Poll

Unread post by bobins »

What a great idea :)

As a thought, is there any way you can show how many unique members have voted ? Even if it's a manual monthly tally ? The results show how many votes cast, but not how many people have cast a vote.
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Re: C5 (X7) Component Failures /Faults / Replacements Poll

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Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible with multiple questions Bobs. But at least we will be able to see the most common fails.

I can't remember for the life of me who mentioned a German Forum a few weeks back doing something similar - but we'll see how it goes.
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Re: C5 (X7) Component Failures /Faults / Replacements Poll

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I was going to suggest adding suspension drop links into the list of failures, but then realised that's one good way to tell you've got a genuine Citroen C5. If it's failed then it's authentic Citroen - if it's still going strong then it's one of these Chinese fakes :rofl2:
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Re: C5 (X7) Component Failures /Faults / Replacements Poll

Unread post by DHallworth »

Mine has had a few jobs done that weren't on your list...

Coolant Pipe
Coolant Bottle
LDS Tank
Hydraulic Pump
4 Spheres
Both front wishbones
Inlet manifold as the butterfly failed

'98 Xantia Activa V6 :-D
'00 XM V6 Exclusive
'09 C5 2.7 HDi Exclusive
‘10 C5 3.0 HDi Exclusive
'12 C6 3.0 HDi Exclusive
'15 C4 BlueHDi Feel
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Re: C5 (X7) Component Failures /Faults / Replacements Poll

Unread post by GiveMeABreak »

Thanks for that David.

I have the Hydraulic pump on the list (under BHI), so please do add that one.
I believe if I edit the poll now it will reset the votes cast - so I'll bear that in mind for the next one on the Pre X7 C5s
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Re: C5 (X7) Component Failures /Faults / Replacements Poll

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bobins wrote: 01 Mar 2018, 19:10 What a great idea :)

As a thought, is there any way you can show how many unique members have voted ? Even if it's a manual monthly tally ? The results show how many votes cast, but not how many people have cast a vote.

I thought about that, but wear and tear got the better of me on that as then we'd have to include loads of other things. But hopefully we'll have a few more coming in over the weeks on these big expensive items.
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Re: C5 (X7) Component Failures /Faults / Replacements Poll

Unread post by wurlycorner »

GiveMeABreak wrote: 01 Mar 2018, 19:36
I believe if I edit the poll now it will reset the votes cast

Yes - annoyingly that's true, as I found out to my cost on another forum #-o

'85 CX GTi Turbo s1 (met. blue)
2x '85 CX GTi Turbo s2 t1 (met. silver & grey)
'88 CX GTi Turbo s2 T2 (met. light blue)
CX DTR T2 Safari (silver)
2x '96 Xantia Activa (Black & met. green)
'01 C5 2.0 HDi LX Estate (Blue)
'11 C5 X7 3.0 V6 Exclusive Tourer
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Re: C5 (X7) Component Failures /Faults / Replacements Poll

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I think we all know where this poll is going.....fluid related things operated from a certain bottle under the bonnet :roll: quelle surprise
currently '06 C5 2.0 HDi auto estate Tip run and France trekker - well should be!! occupied currently by '10 Superb DSG 170 elegance- whistles and bells that work
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Re: C5 (X7) Component Failures /Faults / Replacements Poll

Unread post by bobins »

NOT wishing to scupper this poll, but perhaps a question for fluid or steel suspension might have been enlightening ? And one for next time - what mileage band does your car fall in to ? - Realistically, would only need to be 50k bands.
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Re: C5 (X7) Component Failures /Faults / Replacements Poll

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Component failures from me for your library:
[The car is a 2.0 HDI manual 2008 exclusive. Manual 6 speed. Hydractive 3+]

Generally a great car and the faults are no worse than any other and generally less than I've had on other cars.

All four discs were declared badly worn and failure on it's first ever MOT (3 years and 60,000 miles) but they were changed using pattern parts (non-Citroen) from EuroCar Parts and no problems since (now 149,000 miles)

From the very start the front left tyre always wears prematurely on the outside edge (not inside edge). Tracking, tyre pressures bushes checked and different makes of tyre all do the same. I suspect it is the camber angle but no garage has ever found the fault. Not major as the outside 30mm goes bald only when 2mm of tread left. (no sign of having been "kerbed" )

Steering rack, yup...it failed at 120,000 miles (but cheaper fix by replacing with a refurbished part in exchange by my Indie)
High Pressure input pipe to the steering rack failed (reported as fatigue-like by my Indie garage)

LDS tank split (but I think that was a garage hanging all four wheels without first setting the car in top suspension)

Front right suspension strut leak (but not surprising at 130,000 miles

Here is an odd one
For the past 30,000 miles hard acceleration in 5th there it is like a slipping clutch but no burning smell. I have wondered about the dual mass fly-wheel but there is no noise and slight back off and it stops or if I drop it a cog or two and I can accelerate without issue. Doesn't seem to be getting worse.

Front side lights (xenon on the mains) kept blowing but since I replaced them with LEDs they have been fine.

The Xenon steerable lights often throw up a gremlin (flashing green lamp on dash and they stop swivelling but it usually self clears after about 5 minutes so not a problem)

other than that just routine maintenance. (tyres, filters, wiper blades). Still original exhaust and tyres.

I am told the 1.6 model blows its turbo due to oil starvation but the 2.0 seems ok

Hope that all helps your library. Right, off to start the C3 list :-) :-D

Current: C5 X7 Exclusive 2.0 HDI Manual (2008)
C3 Puretech 1.2 Feel (2017)

Previous: Citroen C5 mk1 2.0 HDI,
Peugeots 407, 406, 406,205,309, 306 Meridian, 306 L, Peugeot 207L 1.4 manual (2003)
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Re: C5 (X7) Component Failures /Faults / Replacements Poll

Unread post by bobins »

Filberton wrote: 01 Mar 2018, 20:26
Here is an odd one
For the past 30,000 miles hard acceleration in 5th there it is like a slipping clutch but no burning smell. I have wondered about the dual mass fly-wheel but there is no noise and slight back off and it stops or if I drop it a cog or two and I can accelerate without issue. Doesn't seem to be getting worse.


"They all do that, Sir. It'll ride up with wear" :)
That'll be the self-adjusting clutch failing to live up to is name. It'll be slipping in 5th / acceleration as that'll be around the greatest loading on it. You can try 'shocking' it into adjusting - sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Basically - getting it to adjust revolves around a lot of revs and 'shocking' the clutch... but it's not that easy as the clutch pedal seems to be damped. Try either driving along at about 50, then pressing the clutch pedal in, rev it and dump the clutch. Repeat until fade, as they used to say :wink: Alternatively, drive along - preferably downhill - in 2nd or 3rd or 4th at high revs, press the clutch pedal down, coast in gear with foot off the accelerator, dump the clutch pedal. Repeat until fade :wink: Or.... just rev the nuts off of it in 3rd or 4th or 5th :wink: As I say - it may work, or may not.
Mine has been randomly slipping for about 15-20k in 5th and 6th under load. Sometimes it adjusts up, sometimes it doesn't. :?
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Re: C5 (X7) Component Failures /Faults / Replacements Poll

Unread post by Paul-R »

Added my bit, clicked vote and then noticed that there was an option for the TPMS valve. Can you add one more vote to that please Marc?
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