Something weird

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Something weird

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

Just happened on my computer, I clicked on the Emails icon and it popped up two years of old Emails, nearly 400 of them as unread in my inbox. :evil:
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Re: Something weird

Unread post by NewcastleFalcon »

The unread/unanswered e-mail, If you actually have time to read/answer all of your e-mails particularly in a workplace context, you probably aren’t concentrating on your proper job :)

That was my excuse anyway :)

Regards Neil
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Re: Something weird

Unread post by CitroJim »

That's the mystery and evils of IT for you :evil: Gives you an idea of why I so hate it :twisted:

I only tolerate it because it earns me lots of lovely money I can spend on more pleasurable things like bikes and running :)

What email client and email provider are you using Eric?

I ask as I've seen similar happen in the past with POP3 connections to ISP-hosted email servers...

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Re: Something weird

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

I'm using Windows Live Mail Jim it's pop3, never had this happen before but I just hit CTRL A and deleted the lot.

The old ones in storage files aren't affected so it's not a big problem, just strange.
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