Everyone go buy a dashcam

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Re: Everyone go buy a dashcam

Unread post by crapday69 »

white exec wrote: 06 Nov 2017, 19:01 My judgement then, for what it's worth, is that you will continue to have avoidable collisions.

how many accidents have you been involved in. Like I have said already, in 25 years I have had 2. In both cases their insurance has admitted liability. Could I drive better, anyone who say no to that is a fool.
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Re: Everyone go buy a dashcam

Unread post by MikeT »

I'm really not getting this, what is the proposed alternative that Gary could have taken to avoid this collision?
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Re: Everyone go buy a dashcam

Unread post by crapday69 »

I'm new here, I dont want to make enemies so lets put this to bed. Yes if I drove a bit slower the accident could have been avoided BUT on the other side of the coin if I went faster I could also have avoided the accident :rofl2: tongue in cheek.

Thanks to all that commented both good and bad :oops: lol

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Re: Everyone go buy a dashcam

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Last edited by myglaren on 06 Nov 2017, 19:51, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Everyone go buy a dashcam

Unread post by white exec »

MikeT wrote: 06 Nov 2017, 19:13 I'm really not getting this, what is the proposed alternative that Gary could have taken to avoid this collision?

As you asked...
1: Driven slower
2: Not begun to overtake on the inside/blind corner

More than happy to let this lie, now.
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Re: Everyone go buy a dashcam

Unread post by MikeT »

I'd like to explore this further as that's how we learn. I don't nesessarily agree with any of those proposals but it's not my thread and I'll respect Gary's wishes to self-censor in fear of offending. Pity though.
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Re: Everyone go buy a dashcam

Unread post by bobins »

Trying to stay non-confrontational here.... but the Highway Code does list and show how to take roundabouts, and that's what all road users should be familiar with.

https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-highway ... 159-to-203
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Re: Everyone go buy a dashcam

Unread post by crapday69 »

If anyone wants to continue the debate, they are most welcome. I will unsubscribe so I dont get annoyed and say something that might offend. If I was a regular on here for years then I wouldn't min offending people as they would know what I'm like and know that I did really mean to offend, but as I'm new i might get a reputation, then I might not get the help when needed lol.

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Re: Everyone go buy a dashcam

Unread post by crapday69 »

One thing I will say in my defence before I go is that as soon as I seen him coming towards me I stopped. You can see than in the video, as for him, he went another 30/40 meters before he stopped. If he stopped as fast, then the damage might not have been so severe and my car would not have be uneconomical to repair.

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Re: Everyone go buy a dashcam

Unread post by MikeT »

Don't get wound up, Gary. It's a learning opportunity. I think you're only being criticised for putting yourself in a position you failed to predict and therefore left yourself too little reaction time to effect a near miss. It might be an arguable criticism, but it's a bit harsh given the circumstance of the other driver - poor lane discipline, changing lanes mid-junction, lack of observation, lack of indication, etc.
Next time, hopefully you will have improved your scope of prediction and adjust accordingly. We're all practicioners, no-one should stop wanting to learn and should share experiences without fear of offending.
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Re: Everyone go buy a dashcam

Unread post by white exec »

I have edited my last post above. You had me thinking of Spanish roundabouts.
Agree we should let this issue lie now.
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Re: Everyone go buy a dashcam

Unread post by MikeT »

I'm reminded of a similar but reversed accident I was involved in.
I too was negotiating a two lane roundabout only I was on the right (inside lane) going straight ahead (12 oclock) and the car in the left (outside) lane, was, unpredicted by me, turning right (3 oclock). His wing collided with my by-then-extended elbow and knee as I tried to exit.
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Re: Everyone go buy a dashcam

Unread post by Homer »

crapday69 wrote: 06 Nov 2017, 18:38
We can all avoid accidents if we all drive slow.
You could have avoided it by driving a bit faster as well. Anything but sit in his blindspot.
So next time your driving along and someone cuts into your lane and hits you, remember its also your fault for know anticipating that he was going to do that.
Always assume everyone will do the most stupid thing and you'll never be surprised.
Do you slow down when someone overtakes you so they can jump in, in front of you.

On a single carriageway then yes, if someone is coming past me I'll ease off if it means they get back in without involving us in a three vehicle pile up. On a multi lane road, if someone is obviously oblivious to me or is going to move over regardless then what's the point deliberately trying to block them. It just ends up with bent metal and a lot of hassle.

I try to avoid having a gravestone which says "it wasn't his fault".
crapday69 wrote: 06 Nov 2017, 19:02 some guy drives down the lane thats closed, would you let him in,

How do you drive down a lane that's closed?

You mean the lane that is going to close in half a mile which nobody uses because it's the British thing to join a queue at the earliest moment?

Yes I would let someone in who was making best use of the available road space.
crapday69 wrote: 06 Nov 2017, 19:08 Just because I could have avoided something doesn't make it my fault that it happened, thats all I'm am trying to say.

I don't disagree with that but the trouble with the blame system we have is that nobody learns anything. One part goes away smugly believing they did everything right and the other party just feels the system mugged them off.
MikeT wrote: 06 Nov 2017, 19:13 I'm really not getting this, what is the proposed alternative that Gary could have taken to avoid this collision?

Are we talking about the video in the opening post? Simply by not being alongside the other car. It doesn't matter how busy the traffic is you can spare a car's length.

Roadcraft makes the premise that you will never be involved in an accident you could not have avoided. I wouldn't go that far but it's always good to say could I have anticipated that happening and made a slight change to avoid it.
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Re: Everyone go buy a dashcam

Unread post by Gibbo2286 »

I seem to have caused quite a tasty discussion with my first comment, that wasn't intended, all I suggested was that crappy was lucky that the insurers treated the matter the way they did and didn't suggest that he was partially to blame because he should have anticipated the other driver's actions.

Let it lie now and welcome to the FCF crappy. :)
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Re: Everyone go buy a dashcam

Unread post by bobins »

It's interesting the route the thread took !
If I may be permitted to bring it back to earth, I'd like to point out that if any average member of the British motoring public is going to be commented on regarding their driving, then those comments should be based solely on the standards expected of an average motorist......... which realistically aren't that high. There is no requirement for the average motorist to have even the slightest whiff of an idea of advanced driving skills.