crapday69 wrote: 06 Nov 2017, 18:38
We can all avoid accidents if we all drive slow.
You could have avoided it by driving a bit faster as well. Anything but sit in his blindspot.
So next time your driving along and someone cuts into your lane and hits you, remember its also your fault for know anticipating that he was going to do that.
Always assume everyone will do the most stupid thing and you'll never be surprised.
Do you slow down when someone overtakes you so they can jump in, in front of you.
On a single carriageway then yes, if someone is coming past me I'll ease off if it means they get back in without involving us in a three vehicle pile up. On a multi lane road, if someone is obviously oblivious to me or is going to move over regardless then what's the point deliberately trying to block them. It just ends up with bent metal and a lot of hassle.
I try to avoid having a gravestone which says "it wasn't his fault".
crapday69 wrote: 06 Nov 2017, 19:02
some guy drives down the lane thats closed, would you let him in,
How do you drive down a lane that's closed?
You mean the lane that is going to close in half a mile which nobody uses because it's the British thing to join a queue at the earliest moment?
Yes I would let someone in who was making best use of the available road space.
crapday69 wrote: 06 Nov 2017, 19:08
Just because I could have avoided something doesn't make it my fault that it happened, thats all I'm am trying to say.
I don't disagree with that but the trouble with the blame system we have is that nobody learns anything. One part goes away smugly believing they did everything right and the other party just feels the system mugged them off.
MikeT wrote: 06 Nov 2017, 19:13
I'm really not getting this, what is the proposed alternative that Gary could have taken to avoid this collision?
Are we talking about the video in the opening post? Simply by not being alongside the other car. It doesn't matter how busy the traffic is you can spare a car's length.
Roadcraft makes the premise that you will never be involved in an accident you could not have avoided. I wouldn't go that far but it's always good to say could I have anticipated that happening and made a slight change to avoid it.