Does anyone know whether there is a box/tag available that will allow use across both Spanish (Via-T) and French (TIS-PL, Libert-t) autoroutes?
I can find tags/boxes that will do one or the other, but not both.
Bipdrive suggest their Via-T tag will give access to "some French autoroutes", but that is stretching the issue, I think.
German DKV say that a complete pan-EU system is not yet in place.
Does anyone have any experience of this?
It's a real pain (and I mean that) travelling solo, and trying to reach a toll machine on the left, when you're driving on the right!
European motorway tolls
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Re: European motorway tolls
I know your pain... and an XM must be even worse than the Xantia for trying to reach across. Sorry, I can't answer you question.
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Re: European motorway tolls
I can't answer your question but in Ireland we have several motorways and up until recently the different operators had different systems on different motorways. There might be a one tag fits all system now I don't use motorways much I object to double taxation
Oh buggle