As you therefore also know, my Xantia recently got a new paintjob. But that's not all it got. It has several fixes down to it, to prolong its life. And after the last visit at the shop, two Citroën shops said there were no outstanding issue with the car.
Which is good, because yesterday I took this picture:

That's in Bremerhaven, Germany. Without making you guess too much, let's just say that the next time I'll be taking a picture of my Activa, I will be in Newark, New Jersey.
For three months, I intend to drive around the North American continent (excluding Mexico) in my Xantia. It's something I've been planning for one and half year so far, which has mostly involved paperwork. And on 10 June, I'll be there to pick it up.
This is merely an introduction to this project. I'll be showing far more pictures, once I get over there.