It's '02 2.0 16v with AG LPG conversion that has been done when the car had only 25km on odometer (29.05.2002.)
This C5 was imported from Holland back in 2009. It was a friends car and I bought it from him 3 months ago.
I have every service record and every invoice.

I'm a freak about cars, so every plastic has to be right and everything has to work on the car.
Tomorrow I'm going to see my local mechanic to change temperature sensor and EVAP valve (purge solenoid) and to do MAF sensor cleaning.
About a month ago it was fitted with new EGR valve and a new lambda sensor. Also, 1500km ago it had a full clutch replaced.
Like every Citroen, it has it's own Gremlins, but, I like it.