Vulcan Bomber

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Hell Razor5543
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Vulcan Bomber

Unread post by Hell Razor5543 »

On Channel 4+1 at 20:30 tonight if Guy Martin's "Last Flight of the Vulcan Bomber" (it is currently on Channel 4, but for those that missed it, you have a second chance).
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Re: Vulcan Bomber

Unread post by Stickyfinger »

watching it....I like Guy....seems a TOP bloke to me....
Activa, the Moose Dodger
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white exec
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Re: Vulcan Bomber

Unread post by white exec »

Just watched. Brilliant programme. Memories of the Cold War all over again.


Last Autumn, we drove the XM to (amongst other places) Macrihanish, while exploring the Kintyre peninsula and Arran.
At 10,003 ft, the runway there remains one of the longest, and was home to some of the widely dispersed Vulcan bombers. In 2012, the entire site (vitually invisible from all but the small perimeter road, in the bottom of the picture) was sold for £1 to the locals, to develop a business park. The MoD retains an "emergency" option on it, of course, in the event of...
