RichardW wrote:Assume the keys will start the engine? if so, it should be possible just to re-synch the remote part of the keys by pressing the lock button immediately after turning the ignition on. If not, and you've got a Lexia and the key code, you could try re-learning the keys, and doing the re-synch at the same time.
Economy mode is a bit of a black art.... early cars were time based, some may monitor the battery, and later ones use a time based relationship - ie 1 min driving only gives 1min before Eco kicks in (up to 30 mins).
Tried the remote re-sync procedure too many times to no avail and last night, even tried the BSI reset and still the fobs would not re-sync after.
However, today I tried BSI reset again and voila, both fobs are now re-synchronised!
The Eco mode is going to be a right PITA as it not only kills the radio but the windows too. I tend to sit at a local beauty spot, window open, listening to radio for up to an hour or so, surely there must be a workaround as the only option is to start the car and that's counter-productive to saving the battery.
While I'm blowing my own trumpet, I'll just add to this blog the other repairs I've effected.
The tailgate wiring has been butchered, repaired and fallen apart. As such, the tailgate has to be opened from the inside and when it is opened, the rear wipe activates a few times. After splicing and soldering in patch leads and making good the connections, I've restored the opening from the outside and the wiper no longer runs and the interior lights work too. What still doesn't work is the glass opening though I can hear a click when I squeeze the button.
After this and the BSI reset saga, I ran the Global tests on the Lexia then cleared down all the faults. I'll do a re-read after the car's covered some miles.
Talking of miles, anyone know if I can change the lexia from Km's to miles? It's very confusing.