swap Mk1 C5 R16 alloys and rubber for R15 anyone...?

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Posts: 80
Joined: 21 Jan 2012, 23:10
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swap Mk1 C5 R16 alloys and rubber for R15 anyone...?

Unread post by pseud »

Just a thought as to a way out of the tight corner I've painted myself into.
L15 (my first car and first profit: bought for $750 aged 16; sold for $1,500 aged 20)
Xantia Mk1 SX 1.8 (gone) (aged 40, oh dear where did they go...)
Xantia Mk1 SX 2.0 (gone)
Xantia Mk1 SX station wagon 2.0 (gone)
C5 Mk1 Ex (dead, and going... gone!)
Xantia Mk2 Ex (going)
Posts: 80
Joined: 21 Jan 2012, 23:10
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Re: swap Mk1 C5 R16 alloys and rubber for R15 anyone...?

Unread post by pseud »

Moved here in For Sale & Wanted (more appropriate):
http://www.frenchcarforum.co.uk/forum/v ... 57#p385535" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
L15 (my first car and first profit: bought for $750 aged 16; sold for $1,500 aged 20)
Xantia Mk1 SX 1.8 (gone) (aged 40, oh dear where did they go...)
Xantia Mk1 SX 2.0 (gone)
Xantia Mk1 SX station wagon 2.0 (gone)
C5 Mk1 Ex (dead, and going... gone!)
Xantia Mk2 Ex (going)